Search for tag: "oregon state university"

2024 George Moore Seminar: The Geology of Lithium Resources and Best Practices in Lithium Exploration

Friday, October 25, 2024The 2024 George Moore Seminar Title: The Geology of Lithium Resources and Best Practices in Lithium Exploration Speaker: Tom Benson, Vice President of Global Exploration at…

+5 More
From  Ernest Colantonio 12 plays

Dam Proud Day Success - Thanks Beaver Nation!

Beaver Nation has stepped up to support students, projects and goals across our campuses. Thank you for your support.

From  David Baker 67 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: Looking for Weird Things in Data

Weng-Keen Wong, ProfessorComputer ScienceOregon State University AbstractMany machine learning and data mining approaches focus on discovering predictive patterns in data. An equally important task…

From  Gale Sumida 31 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: Democratizing Error-Efficient Computing

Radha Venkatagiri, Assistant ProfessorComputer ScienceOregon State University AbstractWe live in a world were errors in computation are becoming ubiquitous and come from a wide variety of sources --…

From  Gale Sumida 9 plays

Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December 2021 "To Boldly Grow...Plants in Space"

Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December 2021 "To Boldly Grow...Plants in Space"

From  Sushma Naithani 27 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: Building Secure and Reliable Deep Learning Systems from a Systems Security Perspective

Sanghyun Hong, Assistant ProfessorComputer ScienceOregon State University AbstractHow can we build secure and reliable deep learning systems, e.g., autonomous cars or AI-assisted robotic surgery,…

From  Alan Fern 15 plays

Dr. Peter W. Fritsch: BPP Fall seminars, Thursday ,18th November 2021

Dr. Peter W. Fritsch: BPP Fall seminars, Thursday ,18th November 2021

From  Sushma Naithani 14 plays

BPP Fall 2021 seminars: "How do grasses grow?" by Annis Richardson:

BPP, OSU Fall seminars, Thursday, 4th November 2021

From  Sushma Naithani 18 plays

David Rasmussen Seminar: BPP Fall seminars Zoom Meetings 2021 (Thursday, 28th November 2021 )

David Rasmussen (Assistant Professor, NC State University, RALEIGH, NC) Seminar on "Exploring Fitness Tradeoffs Between Hosts and Across Scales Using Pathogen Genomic Data" at BPP, OSU,…

From  Sushma Naithani 27 plays

BPP Fall Seminars 2021: Marin Talbot Brewer

BPP Fall Seminars 2021: Marin Talbot Brewer

From  Sushma Naithani 14 plays

Achala-KC -BPP Fall seminars 2021 (Thursday, Oct 7th)

Zoom Recording ID: 99515547066 UUID: xNz0gZucSi6B9FcCe5wvFg== Meeting Time: 2021-10-07 10:44:19pm

+2 More
From  Sushma Naithani 15 plays


From  Sushma Naithani 57 plays

Corvallis Campus Vision Update Webinar - January 14, 2021

The Corvallis Campus Vision will guide the development of Oregon State University’s physical campus in Corvallis over the next decade and beyond. The Vision for campus, which is based on shared…

From  Erin Martin 86 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: Internal Photoemission Spectroscopy Measurement of Energy Barrier Heights at Interfaces of ALD Materials in Metal/Insulator/Metal (MIM) Device Structures

J.F. Conley, Jr., ProfessorSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceOregon State University November 10, 2020 AbstractMetal-insulator-metal (MIM) devices find application as high-speed…

From  Gale Sumida 107 plays

Horticulture Seminar Series Fall 2020: Oct. 26, Christopher Adams, Oregon State University

Zoom Recording ID: 97555683660 UUID: FpuAWZMNSRyGkwqMfJjKyg== Meeting Time: 2020-10-26T18:42:19Z

From  Elaine Clark 9 plays

Facilities Services University Day presentation

Short video about Oregon State University Facilities Services for University Day 2020 Virtual Expo

+3 More
From  Abbie Leland 367 plays

Introducing the Food-Energy-Water Nexus - Chad Higgins

Dr. Chad Higgins, Biological and Ecological professor, introduces the Food, Energy, Water Nexus.

From  Maria Wright 166 plays

Introducing the Oregon State University Collegiate Recovery Community

Live orange, black and sober at Oregon State University! Balancing coursework and newfound independence while working a recovery program can be challenging. College is not typically a…

From  Steven Barth 6 plays

Research Seminar 2019: Dr. Akif Eskalen, UC Davis

The seminar is presented by Dr. Akif Eskalen, cooperative extension specialist in plant pathology at UC Davis. Dr. Eskalen summarizes his research on the biology, etiology, and epidemiology of…

+5 More
From  Denise Dewey 56 plays

Data Management Plan guidance

Description of resources available at Oregon State University and beyond to write data management plans. Uses the DMP guide from the library website as a guide for the presentation.

+8 More
From  Clara Llebot Lorente 80 plays

LFA Seminar Series April 13th - Remediation Data Management Plans. A tool for recovering data from messy, messy projects.

On April 13th 2018 we had 3 short talks from OSULP faculty members and collaborators. This is the third talk of the seminar, titled Remediation Data Management Plans. A tool for recovering research…

+5 More
From  Clara Llebot Lorente 11 plays

LFA Seminar Series April 13th - OSU Graduate Students Scholarly Landscape and Institutional repository needs

On April 13th 2018 we had 3 short talks from OSULP faculty members and collaborators. This is the second talk of the series, titled Oregon State University Graduate Students' Scholarly…

+5 More
From  Clara Llebot Lorente 11 plays

LFA Seminar Series April 13th - A textbook lending Library

On April 13th 2018 we had 3 short talks from OSULP faculty members and collaborators. This is the clip of the first talk, titled "A textbook lending library at Oregon State…

+7 More
From  Clara Llebot Lorente 65 plays

LFA Seminar Series December 8th 2017, 2017-20171208 1750-1_124121822

Library Faculty Association Seminar On December 8th, 2017 we had three speakers from the Corvallis-Benton Public Library. Bonnie Brzozowski, reference librarian at the Corvallis-Benton County Public…

+12 More
From  Clara Llebot Lorente 32 plays

Manufacturing "Military Necessity": Japanese American Internment During WWII by Patricia Sakurai

On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed E.O. 9066 which ultimately resulted in the internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the west coast, Forty years later, the…

+9 More
From  Lindsay Marlow 84 plays

“Der Stürmer, Fake News, and the Making of the ‘Jewish Criminal’ in Nazi Germany” by Katherine Hubler

While it is well-known that National Socialist propaganda frequently spread “fake news” about European Jews, few Nazi publications were as belligerent and unrestrained in their…

+8 More
From  Lindsay Marlow 752 plays

Fake News is the New V.D.: Verbal Deception as a Means of Manipulation by Trischa Goodnow

Noted Presidential Rhetorical scholar, Kathleen Hall Jamieson has coined the phrase verbal deception to better describe what has popularly become known as fake news. By changing the name of the…

+6 More
From  Lindsay Marlow 107 plays

Alternative Facts with Peter Laufer

In this age of instant news and “alternative facts,” information consumers need easy-to-follow rules for sorting out truth from lies. Award-winning journalist and University of Oregon…

+7 More
From  Lindsay Marlow 85 plays

EESC Express- May 2016 - Anatomy of a Good Press Release - Clipped by Jeffry Hino

In this season finale of the EESC Express, EESC's Public Service Communications Specialist Kym Pokorny and Public Issues Education Leader Gail Wells discuss how to craft an effective press…

From  Karen Zimmermann 75 plays

EESC Express-April 2016- Emerging Technologies for Extension

Hop aboard and join us for a short, 30-minute ride with—Stephen Ward, Multimedia & Visual Technology Designer Alan Dennis, Multimedia Tech Designer Jeff Hino, EESC Learning Technology…

From  Karen Zimmermann 66 plays

Tracing Arctic Climate Evolution: From a forested arctic to the present

In this Distinguished Visiting Lecture, Professor Julie Brigham-Grette discusses how data are now being used to assess the climate evolution of the Arctic since a time when the arctic borderlands…

From  Ernest Colantonio 64 plays

Inspiration Dissemination Featuring Hannah Tavalire 9-29-2013

In this episode, Joey and Zhian are joined by a PhD student in Zoology, Hannah Tavalire. Hannah is identifying resistance genes in the intermediate host of a human blood fluke that causes…

+9 More
From  Joseph Hulbert 19 plays