Search for tag: "autonomous systems"

HLeavitt AARVIN Week 13

Hayley Leavitt AARVIN - Autonomous Arduino-based Research Vehicle In Nature Winter 2023 Week 3

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From  Hayley Leavitt 3 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 9 AARVIN

WEEK 9: This week I set out to debug debug debug. And also install a camera! I got the camera set up and I did some testing, some debugging, but things are not 100% worked out just yet. So, next…

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From  Hayley Leavitt 3 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 8 AARVIN

WEEK 8 This week I implemented the Due as the Main Control device, and switched the Uno to solely be a drive control slave device. So, the Due will tell the Uno what to do, and the Uno tells the RVR…

+29 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 2 plays

Hayley Leavitt - AARVIN Week 7

This week with AARVIN we got the robot rolling! The GPS is fully implemented and GPS-Compass navigation is working! Testing outside in real-world conditions got delayed due to real-world weather,…

+32 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 2 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 4 AARVIN Progress Report

CS 469 - Project Management in CS Hayley Leavitt AARVIN - Autonomous Arduino-based Research Vehicle In Nature Week 2 implementation report (Week 4 of class) This week we got moving! I fried a…

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From  Hayley Leavitt 7 plays

AI Seminar 12 - Houssam Abbas

Algorithmic Ethics for Autonomous Systems

From  Prasad Tadepalli 12 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: In Pursuit of Reliable Autonomy in the Open World

Sandhya Saisubramanian, Assistant ProfessorComputer ScienceOregon State University AbstractThe increased deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) systems and their broad societal impacts brings…

From  Gale Sumida 15 plays