Search for tag: "autonomous"

AI Seminar 53: Michael J. Quinn

Self-driving Vehicles: A Cautionary Tale

From  Prasad Tadepalli 19 plays

HLeavitt AARVIN Week 13

Hayley Leavitt AARVIN - Autonomous Arduino-based…

+7 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 3 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 9 AARVIN

WEEK 9: This week I set out to debug debug…

+20 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 3 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 8 AARVIN

WEEK 8 This week I implemented the Due as the…

+29 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 2 plays

Hayley Leavitt - AARVIN Week 7

This week with AARVIN we got the robot rolling!…

+32 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 2 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 6 AARVIN

Week 6 for AARVIN! Implemented GPS, Compass /…

+10 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 1 plays

AARVIN Week 5 HLeavitt

Week 5 of Development on AARVIN! The goal for…

+12 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 4 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 4 AARVIN Progress Report

CS 469 - Project Management in CS Hayley Leavitt…

+16 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 7 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 3 Progress Report AARVIN the Arduino-based Autonomous Research Vehicle in Nature

CS 469 - Project Management in CS Hayley Leavitt…

+4 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 8 plays

AI Seminar 12 - Houssam Abbas

Algorithmic Ethics for Autonomous Systems

From  Prasad Tadepalli 12 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: In Pursuit of Reliable Autonomy in the Open World

Sandhya Saisubramanian, Assistant…

From  Gale Sumida 15 plays


Title: Ocean Exploration with Underwater Gliders.…

+6 More
From  Nick Houtman 174 plays