Search for tag: "program"

AI Seminar 59: Manish Motwani

AI for Software Engineering (AI4SE): Opportunities and Challenges

From  Prasad Tadepalli 23 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 9 AARVIN

WEEK 9: This week I set out to debug debug debug. And also install a camera! I got the camera set up and I did some testing, some debugging, but things are not 100% worked out just yet. So, next…

+20 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 3 plays

Hayley Leavitt Week 8 AARVIN

WEEK 8 This week I implemented the Due as the Main Control device, and switched the Uno to solely be a drive control slave device. So, the Due will tell the Uno what to do, and the Uno tells the RVR…

+29 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 2 plays

Oceangoing Research Vessel Program

From  Ernest Colantonio 10 plays

Laureen Nussbaum - Remembering Anne Frank

Almost seven decades after her death at Bergen-Belsen, Anne Frank remains the best known of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, this owing to the diary that she kept while hiding in…

+2 More
From  Katherine Hubler 10 plays

Quarterly Conversation - May 2019

Recognizing Michelle Lopez, UABC human resources consultant, with a Director's Coin kicked of the Quarterly Conversation. Scott Reed's Leadership Update touched on Extension promotions and…

From  Ann Murphy 47 plays

Graduate program review: Student productivity and outcomes - 2017 May 02 04:32:49

Demonstrates how to capture key metrics that departments must provide during the graduate or undergraduate review process.

From  Linda Brewer 21 plays

Non-credit Instruction by EPA - 2016 Jan 27 11:37:35

Manage names and roles for your Educational Program Assistant and yourself; enter contacts for teaching event delivered by your EPA.

From  Linda Brewer 82 plays

O&E Division Quarterly Conversation (11/20/15)

Quarterly Conversations are designed to share what is happening within the Division of University Outreach and Engagement. This month’s conversation featured a presentation about Outdoor…

From  Ann Murphy 35 plays

2013 Water Resource Seminar - Christopher Duffy

May 8, 2013 - Dr. Christopher Duffy from Pennsylvania State University is the guest speaker for the Spring Seminar Series: "Land, Water, and atmosphere: the Next 50 years". He presented on…

+7 More
From  Jennifer Cohen 53 plays

2013 Water Resource Seminar - Gaby Katul

May 1, 2013 - Dr. Gaby Katul from Duke University is the guest speaker for the Spring Seminar Series: "Land, Water, and atmosphere: the Next 50 years". He presented on "Hydraulic…

+7 More
From  Jennifer Cohen 58 plays

2013 Water Resource Seminar - Philip Hirsch

April 16, 2013 - Dr. Philip Hirsch from The University of Sydney is the guest speaker for the Spring Seminar Series: "Land, Water, and atmosphere: the Next 50 years". He presented on…

+7 More
From  Jennifer Cohen 33 plays

2013 Water Resources Seminar Series - Julia Jones

April 3, 2013 - Dr. Julia Jones from Oregon State University is the guest speaker for the Spring Seminar Series: "Land, Water, and atmosphere: the Next 50 years". She presented on…

From  Jennifer Cohen 197 plays

Kay Sagmiller - Academic Program Design and Evaluation

Kay Sagmiller - Academic Program Design and Evaluation

+3 More
From  Stevon Roberts 122 plays

Nov 29 2012 Prof Faculty Open Forum Part 2 of 2

Professional Faculty - Job Category and Compensation Program Design Open Forum. Part 2 of 2 - Question and Answer session

+3 More
From  Eric Gleske 72 plays

Nov 29 2012 Prof Faculty Open Forum Part 1 of 2

Professional Faculty - Job Category and Compensation Program Design Open Forum. Part 1 of 2 - Opening Presentation

+3 More
From  Eric Gleske 89 plays

Establishing a Lumber Size Control Program

Establishing a Lumber Size Control Program, 826.2 DVD.

+5 More
From FMC 15 plays

Establishing and Organizing a Lumber...

Establishing and Organizing a Lumber Quality Control Program, 826.1 DVD.

+6 More
From FMC 17 plays

"Isle" rehersal March 8th, 2012

Avery Grant, Fisheries and Wildlife, ‘15 and Sean Carrigg, Bioresource Research, ‘13 rehearse "Isle", which they will perform for the 33rd Annual Oregon Dance…

+3 More
From  Alan Calvert 656 plays

Mike Newton

Presentations for the Fish and Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forest Research Program, Spring 2011. 1. "Characterization of stream warming trends based on stream features and management of…

+9 More
From FMC 10 plays

Personal Air Sampler - Training video II, Filters

This video shows users how to install and remove the filter from the personal air sampler.

From  Sandra Uesugi 18 plays