Search for tag: "hatfield"
Melina Wettstein SURS video2020 OSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (SURS) Hi my name is Melina Wettstein and I am a student from University of Washington. I participated in a virtual REU program at Hatfield marine…
From Itchung Cheung
12 plays
EMILY POULIN SURS video2020 OSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (SURS) Hi my name is Emily Poulin, and I am an NSF REU intern at the Hatfield Marine Science Center.My mentor is Dr. Sarah Henkel. My project is…
From Itchung Cheung
16 plays
Hatfield Marine Science CenterThe Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is a distinguished marine laboratory located in Newport, Oregon. HMSC serves as Oregon State University’s coastal campus and as an oceanographic…
From Mark Farley
63 plays
big-skate-hatchlingBig skate hatchling takes its first swim in a tank at Hatfield Visitor Center in Newport, Oregon.
From Adriene Koett-Cronn
4,025 plays
Hatfield W2014This video is a presentation by Kim Hatfield to the Marine Forum pertaining to "Marine Renewable Energy: Risk and Uncertainty, a regulatory perspective ME507, Winter term 2014.
From Elizabeth Hodges
45 plays
2nd Annual Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Ecosystem Sus2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest. Introduction to the conference.
From FMC
155 plays
Country Natural BeefInterviews with Doc and Connie Hatfield and several members of the CNB cooperative.
From FMC
208 plays
Great White Shark NecropsyPartial necropsy of 12 ft white shark tangled in crab pot off Oregon Coast.
From Pat Kight
250 plays