Search for tag: "bill"
Faculty Senate February 9, 2012 Part 3AGENDA ITEM B - COMMITTEE REPORTS - ITEM 3 Student Evaluation of Teaching Task Force. Bill Loges, member, provides an update on the progress of the task force.
From Vickie L Nunnemaker (retired)
11 plays
350: The Most Important Number in the WorldBill McKibben speaks at Oregon State University, November 17, 2011. Discovery Lecture Series.
From David Baker
178 plays
KGW - Bill Lunch on KGW Live @ 7 - 7/26/2011Joe Donlon chats with OPB political analyst and retired OSU Political Science professor Bill Lunch about David Wu\'s resignation, and who might jump into the race to fill his seat.
From Raul Burriel
125 plays
Bill Lunch, Last LectureThe last official lecture at OSU for (now Emeritus) Professor of Political Science Bill Lunch is, Why Oregon is Blue, Mississippi is Red, and the U.S. is Purple (and Polarized), or How I Learned to…
From Eric Gleske
162 plays
Octopus DissectionFeatures the side-by-side dissection of an octopus and Humboldt squid
From Stevon Roberts
1,822 plays
Great White Shark NecropsyPartial necropsy of 12 ft white shark tangled in crab pot off Oregon Coast.
From Pat Kight
250 plays
Food for Thought: Public Perceptions of Genetically-ModifieWilliam Hallman, Associate Professor in the Department of Human Ecology and an Associate Director of the Food Policy Institute at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
From Eric Gleske
11 plays