2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest.
2011. Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest. Introduction to the conference.
"Fire Use", Part 2, Dr. Frank Kanawha Lake, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Redwood Sciences Lab. His tribal affiliations are Karuk, Seneca, Cherokee, and Mexican.
Keynote Speaker: Richie Richards, University of California, Berkeley.
"Partnership Societies, Reciprocity", Dr, Jesse Ford, Oregon State University. Ford's research interests include ecosystems ecology and paleoecology.
Klamath Basin. Dr. Hannah Gosnell is interested in, drivers and consequences of rural land use change; integrated land and water resource management; environmental governance.
"Fire Use", Part 1. Dr. John Bailey, OSU College of Forestry. Bailey is interested in Silviculture, Fuels and Fire Management, and Adaptive Ecosystem Management in his research.
Connection to Place. Esther Stutzman, Elder, Kalapuya and Coos Tribes.
"Connection to Place", Esther Stutzman, Kalapuya and Coos elder.
"Wolves", Dr. Hal Salwasser, Dean, OSU College of Forestry, and Jamie Pinkham, Archibald Bush Foundation.
"The 'Rs'", Gail Woodside, Oregon State University.
"Handshake Money", Gail Woodside, Oregon State University.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Pacific Northwest. Kurt M. Peters (Blackfeet/Powhatan) earned his doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley, and taught at the California State…