A virtual tour of all three Oregon State University Recreational Sports facilities on campus: Dixon Recreation Center, Student Legacy Park and McAlexander Fieldhouse.
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
Part of our Sit Less, Move More! campaign
A virtual tour of the facilities in the Department of Recreational Sports.
Demonstration of the shoulder machine.
Demonstration of a triplanar stretch.
Demonstration of tricep machine.
Demonstration of quad machine.
Demonstration of a plank.
Demonstration of lat machine.
Demonstration of hamstring machine.
Demonstration of free motion bicep curl.
Demonstration of glut bridge exercise.
Learn about the Department of Recreational Sports
Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Recreation Sports Projects
The Professional Climbing Instructors Association presents material for the Climbing Wall Instructor Course
infor about safety at recsports.
Construction of Outdoor Recreation Complex Construction