Search for tag: "projects"
19D-Stewart-Discovering-tree school-finalThis is a power point presentation from class 19D Discovering Simple Stream Restoration Projects for Small Woodland Landowners from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.
From Jean Bremer
9 plays
EESC Express November 2016- Ask an Expert, Pixels and Pictures, & moreThe EESC Express brings you short, pithy and useful ideas about communication and teaching in your Extension work. Today's episode includes an overview of Ask n Expert: Five Years On, with tips…
From Karen Zimmermann
37 plays
Soft Cough and The Pleather Pants (Yeah)This was my final for NMC 383 Field Production. It is a music video of a song written by Sam Dolyhniuk and performed and recorded by Duncan Galvin.
From nicholsw
19 plays