Search for tag: "sociology"

California Water Storage: Policy Case Study

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, mini lecture.

From  Robert Lackey 160 plays

Darwin Was Right: A Scientist Needs a Heart of Stone

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, presentation at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Oregon…

From  Robert Lackey 1,176 plays

Cape Wind Project: A Case Study for Policy Analysis

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor, Oregon State University, describes the Cape Wind Project as a policy analysis of a proposed large wind farm off the Massachusetts coast.

From  Robert Lackey 308 plays

Is Science Biased Toward Natural?

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, presents the Keynote Address, 2014 Annual North American Meeting of the Society of…

From  Robert Lackey 919 plays

Kathleen Stanley - Sociology

Kathleen Stanley describes her SOC204 course for a global learning faculty showcase.

From  Stevon Roberts 96 plays

Government Scientist: Charting an Ethical Path

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor of Fisheries at Oregon State University, discusses the proper role of science and scientists at the 2009 OSU Water Resources Graduate Seminar.

From  Robert Lackey 1,097 plays