Search for tag: "oceanography"

CEOAS iDean Seminar - Dudley Chelton - Feb. 24, 2023

iDean Seminar Dudley Chelton - "A 40-year Odysea [sic] to Understand Ocean Winds"

From  Ernest Colantonio 52 plays

Four Realities Circumscribing the Future of the Salish Sea

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, presents the Plenary Keynote at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, April 30-May 2, 2014,…

From  Robert Lackey 98 plays

Observations: Ocean & Carbon

Lecture on climate observations from the ocean and atmospheric carbon dioxide.

From  Andreas Schmittner 310 plays

Scientists Operating in a Policy World: Rules to Follow

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Oregon State University, explains how scientists in natural resources, ecology, conservation biology, fisheries,…

From  Robert Lackey 128 plays

Cape Wind Project: A Case Study for Policy Analysis

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor, Oregon State University, describes the Cape Wind Project as a policy analysis of a proposed large wind farm off the Massachusetts coast.

From  Robert Lackey 319 plays

Scientific Diving PSA

A description of Oregon State University's Scientific Diving Program

+6 More
From  Kyle Neumann 484 plays