Search for tag: "lectures"

27. Fasteners - Mechanical Component Design

The fourth and final lecture on bolts covers bolt groups, and shearing forces.

From  Matthew Campbell 175 plays

26. Fasteners - Mechanical Component Design

The third lecture on fasteners covers stresses and safety factors.

From  Matthew Campbell 179 plays

25. Fasteners - Mechanical Component Design

The second lecture on threaded fasteners discusses static loads

From  Matthew Campbell 177 plays

Columbia River Basin in 2100

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University forecasts the future of the Columbia River Basin through 2100.

From  Robert Lackey 959 plays

Science: Beacon of Reality

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, presents the plenary lecture at the 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries…

From  Robert Lackey 1,311 plays

Government Scientist: Charting an Ethical Path

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Professor of Fisheries at Oregon State University, discusses the proper role of science and scientists at the 2009 OSU Water Resources Graduate Seminar.

From  Robert Lackey 1,107 plays

Transcription I

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing telomeres and the transcription of RNA.

From  Kevin Ahern 16 plays

Enzyme Control II

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing covalent modification of enzymes and the mechanism of action of chymotrypsin.

+14 More
From  Kevin Ahern 5 plays

Enzymes II

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing enzyme velocity, Km, V vs. S, and Lineweaver-Burk plots.

+14 More
From  Kevin Ahern 10 plays

Forests People Fire Seminar

Presenter Marco Janssen. For more information on the Forests, People, Fire Seminar Series, please see; Forest Ecosystems and Society Department, College of Forestry,…

+8 More
From FMC 19 plays

Starker Lecture Series

March 5, 2009. Martin Goebel, Sustainable Northwest (Portland, OR): Building Sustainable Communities & Healthy Ecosystems in the Northwest All communities have the energy and creativity to…

From  Jessica Fitzmorris 16 plays

Starker Lecture Series

Thursday, February 19, 2009. "A Whole New Landscape for Sustainability", Jerry Yudelson, Yudelson Associates, (Tuscon, AZ). Preparing the Forest Product Industry to Compete in a…

From  Jessica Fitzmorris 23 plays

Membrane Transport and Neurotransmission

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing several membrane transport systems and the mechanism of neurotransmission.

+13 More
From  Kevin Ahern 21 plays

Starker Lecture Series

January 22, 2009. James E. Brown. "Sustainable Forestry: Searching for the Public Interest." James E. Brown was Oregon State Forester, 1986-2003.

From  Jessica Fitzmorris 47 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #4: Management and practices Protecting public resources on private lands - Russ Anderson, ODF Tribal plantations - Mike Kennedy, Siletz Industrial plantations - Jeff Light,…

+10 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 31 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #1: Charlie Olson (Starker Forests)-- Carbon flux in intensive plantations - Bev Law

+10 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 21 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #2: Underhill Tree Farm (Starker Forests)-- Vegetation management: the critical threshold study - Robin Rose/Eric Dinger Vascular plant diversity in plantations - Robin…

+10 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 39 plays

Starker Lecture Series

March 2010. Sara Vickerman, Senior Director, Biodiversity Partnerships, Defenders of Wildlife, West Linn, OR: Ecosystem Service Markets: Potential and Pitfalls; David Primozich, Executive Director,…

From  Jessica Fitzmorris 36 plays

Starker Lecture Series

December 9, 2004. Tom Knudson: Conserving Ours, Consuming Theirs Tom Knudson, Global winner of the 2004 Reuters-IUCN Environmental Media Award, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative…

+5 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 7 plays

Starker Lecture Series

December 1, 2005. Clark Binkley: From Timber Famine to the Wall of Wood: Implications for the Timberland Investors and the Pacific Northwest. Clark Binkley, Managing Director, International…

+7 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 26 plays

Starker Lecture Series

November 3, 2005. Diane Snyder: Global changes, local actions...Managing change in rural Wallowa County Diane Snyder, Executive Director Wallowa Resources; Member, Oregon State Board of Forestry.

+5 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 5 plays

Starker Lecture Series

December 8, 2004. Patricia Marchak: The State of Nature and the Nature of States. Patricia Marchak, Sociologist, The Liu Institute for Global Issues; Emeritus Professor, University of British…

+6 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 16 plays

Starker Lecture - Tom Atzet: The Case of the Biscuit Fire (October 23, 2003)

October 23, 2003. Tom Atzet: The Case of the Biscuit Fire. Dr. Tom Atzet, Forest Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Siskiyou National Forest.

+24 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 47 plays

Starker Lecture Series - Dr. C.S. Holling - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds

October 9, 2003. Dr. C.S. Holling: From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Holling, Arthur R. Marshall Jr. Chair in Ecological Sciences (Emeritus) University of Florida.

+23 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 18 plays

Starker Lecture Series

November 4, 2004. Panel Discussion: The Role of Fire in Creating Proactive Community Involvement in Forest Management Panel Includes Jack Shipley, Applegate Partnership; Victoria Sturtevant,…

+6 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 15 plays

Starker Lecture Series

December 2, 2004. James Agee, The Role of Fire in Forest Restoration. James Agee, Virginia and Prentice Bloedel Professor of Forest Ecology, University of Washington College of Forest Resources.

+6 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 20 plays

Starker Lecture Series

November 20, 2003. Dr. Karl Stauber, Complexity and the Common Good: So, why are we confused? Stauber, President, Northwest Area Foundation.

+5 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 6 plays

Starker Lecture Series

May 3, 2007. Pamela Matson, Science and the Sustainability Transition Pamela Matson, Dean of the School of Earth Sciences, Goldman Professor of Environmental Studies.

+6 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 3 plays

Starker Lecture Series

November 6, 2003. Dr. Jim Bowyer, "Consumption and the Sustainability Equation." Bowyer, Chairman, Tropical Forest Foundation; Head, Department of Forest Products, University of…

+7 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 19 plays

Starker Lecture Series

October 21, 2004. Char Miller: The Greatest Good: 100 Years of Forestry in America Char Miller, Professor History and Director of Urban Studies at Trinity University; Senior Fellow of the Pinchot…

+5 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 38 plays

Starker Lecture Series

October 31, 2002, Dr. Elinor Ostrom: People and Trees: An Institutional Analysis Dr. Ostrom, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the Workshop in Political Theory and…

+4 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 9 plays

Starker Lecture Series

April 5, 2007. Jerry Franklin: Preparing Resource Professionals for an Uncertain World Franklin is Professor of Ecosystem Science, University of Washington.

+6 More
From  Eric Gleske 15 plays