Search for tag: "pathology"
Brooklyn Richards - "Ecological Mechanisms of Gynodioecy Maintenance in Meadow Checkermallow (Sidalcea campestris)"Introduced by advisor Andy Jones. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…
From Nathan Nolte
21 plays
Kim Syring - "Deciphering the genotype-phenotype connection: evaluating the impacts of environmental and species diversity on functional traits in Basidiobolus"Introduced by advisor Joseph Spatafora. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…
From Nathan Nolte
4 plays
Harrison Bell - "Pollen Grain Morphology in Zea mays"Introduced by advisor John Fowler Jr. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…
From Nathan Nolte
3 plays
Gabrielle (Gabby) Studebaker - "Distribution and impact of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla) on potato in the Pacific Northwest"Introduced by advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…
From Nathan Nolte
10 plays
Alexandria Kurowski - "Characterizing transposable elements and repetitive DNA in the giant genomes of three Fritillaria species"Introduced by advisor Aaron Liston. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…
From Nathan Nolte
0 plays
Savannah Phipps - "High-throughput phenotyping of nematode-induced plant stress in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)"Introduced by Advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…
From Nathan Nolte
4 plays
A simulation model: Powdery Mildew of grapevineA simulation of grape powdery mildew development from a single infection point (x) in an untreated vineyard with 2 x 2 meter spacing between vines. This simulator lets us observe epidemic…
From Denise Dewey
4 plays
Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December 2021 "To Boldly Grow...Plants in Space"Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December 2021 "To Boldly Grow...Plants in Space"
From Sushma Naithani
27 plays
David Rasmussen Seminar: BPP Fall seminars Zoom Meetings 2021 (Thursday, 28th November 2021 )David Rasmussen (Assistant Professor, NC State University, RALEIGH, NC) Seminar on "Exploring Fitness Tradeoffs Between Hosts and Across Scales Using Pathogen Genomic Data" at BPP, OSU,…
From Sushma Naithani
27 plays
Achala-KC -BPP Fall seminars 2021 (Thursday, Oct 7th)Zoom Recording ID: 99515547066 UUID: xNz0gZucSi6B9FcCe5wvFg== Meeting Time: 2021-10-07 10:44:19pm
From Sushma Naithani
15 plays
Grape Day 2021: Alexander Wong, OSUThis is the third webinar presented during the June 1 Grape Day webinar session. Alexander Wong, a graduate research assistant in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at OSU and the USDA-ARS…
From Denise Dewey
16 plays
Grape Day 2021: Sarah Lowder, OSUThis webinar is presented by Sarah Lowder, a graduate research assistant in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology and the USDA-ARS Foliar Pathology lab working with Dr. Walt Mahaffee. Sarah…
From Denise Dewey
15 plays
Grape Red Blotch Disease Webinar - Dr. Achala KCDr. Achala KC, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at OSU's Southern Oregon Research Center, presents work on virus testing methodology and virus titer for Grapevine Red Blotch Disease. This…
From Patricia Skinkis
25 plays
Research Seminar 2019: Dr. Akif Eskalen, UC DavisThe seminar is presented by Dr. Akif Eskalen, cooperative extension specialist in plant pathology at UC Davis. Dr. Eskalen summarizes his research on the biology, etiology, and epidemiology of…
From Denise Dewey
56 plays
20161020 The Northern Root-knot Nematode Prefers Chardonnay: Insights into Nematode Biology and Management in Semi-arid wine grape vineyardsDr. Inga Zasada, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS plant pathologist, discusses parasitic nematodes in this seminar. Nematodes are economically-important root parasites of grape vines which cause…
From Denise Dewey
57 plays
MAGR-298LCS_2014.10.20Diseases of the skin: Metabolic, nutritional, congenital, unknown etiology General concept of hypersensitivity
From Christiane Loehr
32 plays