Search for tag: "veterinary"
Intubation of Small Ruminants and CamelidsA short video demonstrating endotracheal intubation of a sheep. This method works well for all small ruminants and camelids.
From Ron Mandsager
3,081 plays
MAGR-298LCS_2014.10.20Diseases of the skin: Metabolic, nutritional, congenital, unknown etiology General concept of hypersensitivity
From Christiane Loehr
32 plays
MAGR-298LCS_2014.10.17Infectious diseases of the skin - skin as primary site and skin as part of a systemic infection
From Christiane Loehr
38 plays
Skin Lecture 2_MAGR-298LCS_2014.10.14Primary and secondary skin lesions; clinical diagnostics; biopsy techniques
From Christiane Loehr
52 plays
Cardiovascular Lecture 5_MAGR-298LCS_2014-10-09Vascular disease; vascular neoplasms; congenital anomalies of the heart and large vessels Cardiac failure
From Christiane Loehr
42 plays
Intravenous Catheterization in the DogA brief video presentation on how to place an intravenous catheter in a dog.
From Ron Mandsager
1,809 plays
Chinese FingertrapAn instructional video on how to correctly perform a chinese fingertrap surgical ligature to secure a tube
From Ron Mandsager
5,344 plays
Circumferential LigatureAn instructional video on how to correctly perform a circumferential surgical ligature
From Ron Mandsager
2,580 plays
Instrument tieAn instructional video on how to correctly perform an instrument surgical ligature
From Ron Mandsager
113 plays
One handed tieAn instructional video on how to correctly perform a one handed surgical ligature
From Ron Mandsager
68 plays
Two Handed TieAn instructional video on how to correctly perform a two handed surgical ligature
From Ron Mandsager
80 plays
Veterinary Pharmacology I: Anesthesia, part 1The first of two lectures introducing the pharmacology of drugs used in veterinary anesthesiology.
From Ron Mandsager
2,068 plays