Search for tag: "graduate"

Brooklyn Richards - "Ecological Mechanisms of Gynodioecy Maintenance in Meadow Checkermallow (Sidalcea campestris)"

Introduced by advisor Andy Jones. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…

From  Nathan Nolte 19 plays

Kim Syring - "Deciphering the genotype-phenotype connection: evaluating the impacts of environmental and species diversity on functional traits in Basidiobolus"

Introduced by advisor Joseph Spatafora. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…

From  Nathan Nolte 1 plays

Harrison Bell - "Pollen Grain Morphology in Zea mays"

Introduced by advisor John Fowler Jr. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…

From  Nathan Nolte 3 plays

Gabrielle (Gabby) Studebaker - "Distribution and impact of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla) on potato in the Pacific Northwest"

Introduced by advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…

From  Nathan Nolte 6 plays

Alexandria Kurowski - "Characterizing transposable elements and repetitive DNA in the giant genomes of three Fritillaria species"

Introduced by advisor Aaron Liston. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…

From  Nathan Nolte 0 plays

Savannah Phipps - "High-throughput phenotyping of nematode-induced plant stress in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)"

Introduced by Advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on May 10th as part of the Spring 2024 Graduate Student Research Celebration. Hosted by the Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant…

From  Nathan Nolte 3 plays

Horticulture Seminar (HORT 507) Spring 2021, Mahmut Diker, "Laser microdissection (LMD) in plants"

Horticulture Seminar (HORT 507) Spring 2021, Mahmut Diker, "Laser microdissection (LMD) in plants", April 19, 2021 Seminar for the Department of Horticulture

From  Elaine Clark 20 plays

Horticulture Seminar (HORT 507) Spring 2021, Bri Price, "Non-nutritive sugars, a new management tactic for Drosophila suzukii management and prospective non-target effects"

April 12, 2021, Department of Horticulture Spring Seminar Series, Bri Price, "Non-nutritive sugars, a new management tactic for Drosophila suzukii management and prospective non-target…

From  Elaine Clark 29 plays

Horticulture Seminar (HORT 507) Spring 2021, Claire Donahoo, "Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula: Prospects for Oregon Invasion & Anticipated Impacts"

Claire Donahoo, PhD Student, Department of Horticulture, Seminar Presentation for HORT 507/607, Spring 2021, "Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula: Prospects for Oregon Invasion &…

From  Elaine Clark 34 plays

Teaching development opportunities at OSU

If you are looking for a way to improve your teaching or facilitation skills, the Graduate School at OSU offers two teaching development opportunities: the Graduate Certificate in College and…

From  John McQueen 12 plays

Communication and Conflict Resolution Workshop

Presenter: Sue Theiss, University Ombuds Office In addition to the accomplishments and challenges that all students experience on their road to success, graduate students take on various roles that…

From  John McQueen 41 plays

Muhammad Salar Khan - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

Economics of Marijuana: Impact of Taxes on Marijuana’s Prices in Oregon. Muhammad Salar Khan, College of Liberal Arts, Public Policy

From  John McQueen 197 plays

Vahid Mahdavifar - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

Viability of Hybrid CLT. Vahid Mahdavifar, College Of Forestry, Wood Science.

From  John McQueen 76 plays

Katy Serafin - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

A Recipe For Flooding. Katy Serafin, College of Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences.

From  John McQueen 154 plays

Marisol Tsui Chang - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

From X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to Durable Concrete. Marisol Tsui Chang, College of Engineering, Civil Engineering.

From  John McQueen 113 plays

Melissa McDougall - 2017 Three Minute Thesis People's Choice Award

Building Better Brains For Baby and Beyond. Melissa McDougall, Public Health and Human Sciences, Nutrition and Aging Sciences.

From  John McQueen 288 plays

Elizabeth M. Collar- 2017 Three Minute Thesis 2nd Place

3rd Carpal Bone Fractures: Can We Prevent Racehorse Breakdowns? Elizabeth M. Collar, Graduate School, Comparative Health Sciences.

From  John McQueen 34 plays

Brad Pitcher - 2017 Three Minute Thesis Winner

Volcano Forensics: Using Past Eruptions to Predict Future Disasters. Brad Pitcher, College of Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Geology.

From  John McQueen 178 plays

Christina Welch - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

What Lies Below: Deeper Implications for Transboundary Aquifers. Christina Welch, Graduate School, Water Resources Policy & Management.

From  John McQueen 81 plays

Alexandra M. Avila 2017 Three Minute Thesis

Just Going With The Flow: Connecting Marine Reserves And Fisheries. Alexandra M. Avila, College of Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries Science.

From  John McQueen 44 plays

Jack Twilley - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

The Key To Making Great Mead: Happy Yeast. Jack Twilley, College of Agricultural Sciences, Food Science & Technology.

From  John McQueen 56 plays

Graduate Review: Student Outputs and Outcomes

From  Linda Brewer 23 plays

Graduate program review: Student productivity and outcomes - 2017 May 02 04:32:49

Demonstrates how to capture key metrics that departments must provide during the graduate or undergraduate review process.

From  Linda Brewer 21 plays

2015-12-09 CGE Paid Leave

Presented by the Office of Human Resource and the Coalition of Graduate Employees (CGE)

From  Abbie Leland 94 plays

What to Do With Writing Feedback

Feedback: Asking for it, getting it, and responding to it by Hugh Kearns, ThinkWell and Flinders University. April 27, 2015

From  John McQueen 604 plays

Funding Graduate School

Assistant Dean, Fran Saveriano, gives an overview of how to pay for graduate school.

From  John McQueen 27 plays

Career Development Services for Current and Future Graduate Students

Leslye Erickson, Director of the Career Development Center, provides an overview of services available to future and current graduate students.

From  John McQueen 30 plays

An Introduction on Going to Graduate School

Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Brenda McComb, discusses some reasons why to attend graduate school. Delivered May 19, 2015 at the Graduate School Information Night.

From  John McQueen 53 plays

Considerations for Attending Graduate School

Graduate School Enrollment Coordinator Diana Jolly offers some points to consider when getting ready to attend graduate school.

From  John McQueen 44 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014 - Christina Hagerty: Fungicide Resistance in an Oregon Wheat Pathogen

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host the second annual University-wide Scholars’ Insights competition, an event based on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) research competition, developed…

From  Megan Ferris 106 plays

The Imposter Syndrome - Hugh Kearns 2014

A great article from The Conversation by Hugh Kearns can be found here:

From  John McQueen 945 plays

Presenting Your Research with Confidence - Hugh Kearns 2014

If you're a researcher then at some stage you are going to have to present your findings. It's tempting to get up and just read your paper, but to really speak to your audience you need to…

From  John McQueen 355 plays