Search for tag: "graduate student"

Brooklyn Richards - "Ecological Mechanisms of Gynodioecy Maintenance in Meadow Checkermallow (Sidalcea campestris)"

Introduced by advisor Andy Jones. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 21 plays

Kim Syring - "Deciphering the genotype-phenotype connection: evaluating the impacts of environmental and species diversity on functional traits in Basidiobolus"

Introduced by advisor Joseph Spatafora. Presented…

From  Nathan Nolte 4 plays

Harrison Bell - "Pollen Grain Morphology in Zea mays"

Introduced by advisor John Fowler Jr. Presented…

From  Nathan Nolte 3 plays

Gabrielle (Gabby) Studebaker - "Distribution and impact of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla) on potato in the Pacific Northwest"

Introduced by advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 10 plays

Alexandria Kurowski - "Characterizing transposable elements and repetitive DNA in the giant genomes of three Fritillaria species"

Introduced by advisor Aaron Liston. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 0 plays

Savannah Phipps - "High-throughput phenotyping of nematode-induced plant stress in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)"

Introduced by Advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 4 plays

Horticulture Seminar (HORT 507) Spring 2021, Bri Price, "Non-nutritive sugars, a new management tactic for Drosophila suzukii management and prospective non-target effects"

April 12, 2021, Department of Horticulture Spring…

From  Elaine Clark 29 plays

Horticulture Seminar (HORT 507) Spring 2021, Claire Donahoo, "Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula: Prospects for Oregon Invasion & Anticipated Impacts"

Claire Donahoo, PhD Student, Department of…

From  Elaine Clark 34 plays

Teaching development opportunities at OSU

If you are looking for a way to improve your…

From  John McQueen 12 plays

Communication and Conflict Resolution Workshop

Presenter: Sue Theiss, University Ombuds Office…

From  John McQueen 42 plays

Muhammad Salar Khan - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

Economics of Marijuana: Impact of Taxes on…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 199 plays

Vahid Mahdavifar - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

Viability of Hybrid CLT. Vahid Mahdavifar,…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 76 plays

Katy Serafin - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

A Recipe For Flooding. Katy Serafin, College of…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 154 plays

Marisol Tsui Chang - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

From X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to Durable…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 114 plays

Melissa McDougall - 2017 Three Minute Thesis People's Choice Award

Building Better Brains For Baby and Beyond.…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 288 plays

Elizabeth M. Collar- 2017 Three Minute Thesis 2nd Place

3rd Carpal Bone Fractures: Can We Prevent…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 34 plays

Brad Pitcher - 2017 Three Minute Thesis Winner

Volcano Forensics: Using Past Eruptions to…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 178 plays

Christina Welch - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

What Lies Below: Deeper Implications for…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 82 plays

Alexandra M. Avila 2017 Three Minute Thesis

Just Going With The Flow: Connecting…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 45 plays

Jack Twilley - 2017 Three Minute Thesis

The Key To Making Great Mead: Happy Yeast. Jack…

+3 More
From  John McQueen 56 plays

Collaboration and Flexibility: Tools for Addressing Tomorrow’s Research Challenges

Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium.…

+8 More
From FMC 61 plays

Delivering the Messsage: Beyond the Peer Review Journal Article

Keynote presenter Dr. Pat Muir. Western Forestry…

+8 More
From FMC 39 plays