Search for tag: "wse"

Dean Thomas Maness' Welcome: 2013 Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium

2013 Symposium Theme, "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests."

From FMC 112 plays

Environmental Science & Ethics: How to Live Appropriately in the World?

Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme, "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests." Dr. Michael Nelson is an environmental…

From FMC 347 plays

Collaboration and Flexibility: Tools for Addressing Tomorrow’s Research Challenges

Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme, "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests." Dr. Renée Brooks is a Plant…

From FMC 61 plays

Research Leadership: An Oxymoron?

Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme: Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests" Dr. John Gordon is Pinchot Professor Emeritus…

From FMC 93 plays

Delivering the Messsage: Beyond the Peer Review Journal Article

Keynote presenter Dr. Pat Muir. Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme: "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests." Dr.…

From FMC 39 plays

(5:5) Innovation at Forrest Paints: The "Bug Farm"

Forrest Paints, Eugene, Oregon, is the developer and producer of Hemp Shield, a hemp oil-based deck treatment. Hemp Shield is one of many examples of this companies leadership through innovation. The…

From FMC 48 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: 2011 Mold & Sapstain Seminar S

Lecture 3: Jeff Morrell

From FMC 53 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: 2011 Mold & Sapstain Seminar S

Seminar 2: Lee Miller

From FMC 21 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: 2011 Mold & Sapstain Seminar S

Seminar 4: David Stallcop

From FMC 22 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: 2011 Mold & Sapstain Seminar S

Seminar 5: Steve Harms.

From FMC 36 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: 2011 Mold & Sapstain Seminar S

Seminar 1: Jerry Anderson

From FMC 29 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: 2011 Mold & Sapstain Seminar S

Introduction, Wood Innovation Center Director Scott Leavengood.

From FMC 19 plays

WSE Assistant Professor Interview

Dr. Xinfeng Xie, University of Maine

From FMC 23 plays

WSE Assistant Professor Interview

Dr. Andreja Kutnar, Research Associate at the Inst. of Wood Science & Technology, and Sustainable Development Ljubljana, and at the Primorska Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology,…

From FMC 485 plays

Bamboo Forestry in East China

Renewable Materials 2011 Seminar Series. Dan Smith, presenter: "Moso Bamboo Forestry and Culm Processing in East China"

From FMC 21 plays

Wood Science and Engineering: A Peek at the Profession

Wood Science & Engineering at Oregon State University is a multidisciplinary university program focused on science, technology, engineering and business practices that help society sustainably…

From FMC 30 plays