2013 Symposium Theme, "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests."
Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme, "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests."
Dr. Michael Nelson is an environmental…
Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme, "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests."
Dr. Renée Brooks is a Plant…
Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme: Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests"
Dr. John Gordon is Pinchot Professor Emeritus…
Keynote presenter Dr. Pat Muir. Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme: "Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests."
Forrest Paints, Eugene, Oregon, is the developer and producer of Hemp Shield, a hemp oil-based deck treatment. Hemp Shield is one of many examples of this companies leadership through innovation. The…
Seminar 4: David Stallcop
Seminar 1: Jerry Anderson
Introduction, Wood Innovation Center Director Scott Leavengood.
Dr. Xinfeng Xie, University of Maine
Dr. Andreja Kutnar, Research Associate at the Inst. of Wood Science & Technology, and Sustainable Development Ljubljana, and at the Primorska Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology,…
Renewable Materials 2011 Seminar Series. Dan Smith, presenter: "Moso Bamboo Forestry and Culm Processing in East China"
Wood Science & Engineering at Oregon State University is a multidisciplinary university program focused on science, technology, engineering and business practices that help society sustainably…