Search for tag: "and"

AI Seminar 86: Houssam Abbas and Alicia Patterson

Where do Ethics Belong in Artificial…

From  Prasad Tadepalli 11 plays

Is Science Biased Toward Natural?

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Oregon State University,…

From  Robert Lackey 4 plays

2024 George Moore Seminar: The Geology of Lithium Resources and Best Practices in Lithium Exploration

Friday, October 25, 2024The 2024 George Moore…

+5 More
From  Ernest Colantonio 13 plays

OSU Extension and Engagement Quarterly Conversation 2024

OSU Extension and Engagement Quarterly…

From  Kathleen Lillis 30 plays

Brooklyn Richards - "Ecological Mechanisms of Gynodioecy Maintenance in Meadow Checkermallow (Sidalcea campestris)"

Introduced by advisor Andy Jones. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 21 plays

Kim Syring - "Deciphering the genotype-phenotype connection: evaluating the impacts of environmental and species diversity on functional traits in Basidiobolus"

Introduced by advisor Joseph Spatafora. Presented…

From  Nathan Nolte 4 plays

Harrison Bell - "Pollen Grain Morphology in Zea mays"

Introduced by advisor John Fowler Jr. Presented…

From  Nathan Nolte 3 plays

Gabrielle (Gabby) Studebaker - "Distribution and impact of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla) on potato in the Pacific Northwest"

Introduced by advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 10 plays

Alexandria Kurowski - "Characterizing transposable elements and repetitive DNA in the giant genomes of three Fritillaria species"

Introduced by advisor Aaron Liston. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 0 plays

Savannah Phipps - "High-throughput phenotyping of nematode-induced plant stress in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)"

Introduced by Advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 4 plays

Substance Use and Recovery Services at Oregon State University

Learn about the Alcohol and Drug Counseling…

From  Steven Barth 78 plays

Columbia River Basin: How Would Ending Fishing and Closing Hatcheries Change Wild Salmon and Steelhead Abundance?

Seminar presented by Dr. Robert T. Lackey,…

From  Robert Lackey 639 plays

AI Seminar 42: Sandhya Saisubramanian

Planning and Learning for Reliable Autonomy in…

+3 More
From  Prasad Tadepalli 14 plays

Sustainability: What the Heck Does it Mean?

Dr. W. Todd Jarvis, Director, Institute for Water…

From  Robert Lackey 107 plays

The Great Pacific Northwest Salmon Conundrum

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries,…

From  Robert Lackey 192 plays

AI Seminar 34: Katerina Fragkiadaki

Seeing outside the image: Space and time…

From  Prasad Tadepalli 15 plays

Ten Things Scientists Get Wrong about Policy Making

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries,…

From  Robert Lackey 123 plays

Hayley Leavitt - AARVIN Week 7

This week with AARVIN we got the robot rolling!…

+32 More
From  Hayley Leavitt 2 plays

How Federal Employees Implement the Endangered Species Act

Elizabeth R. Jackson and Dr. Robert T. Lackey…

From  Robert Lackey 116 plays

Normative Science: Avoiding this Corruption of Science

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries,…

From  Robert Lackey 118 plays

Tech Talk Tuesday: Lessons in Real-World Software: Going From Monolith to Microservices

Abstract The Center for Applied Systems and…

From  Alan Fern 1,095 plays

Tips for Printing at Student Multimedia Services

+7 More
From  Teresa Preddy 96 plays

Is Science on a Path to Irrelevance in Policy and Management?

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries,…

From  Robert Lackey 111 plays

Top Ten Reasons Why Wild Salmon Runs Collapsed

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries,…

From  Robert Lackey 3,806 plays

Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December 2021 "To Boldly Grow...Plants in Space"

Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December…

From  Sushma Naithani 27 plays

Brand Writing Workshop 11-19-2021 - HD 1080p

Recording of the University Relations and…

From  Gary Dulude 17 plays

Dr. Peter W. Fritsch: BPP Fall seminars, Thursday ,18th November 2021

Dr. Peter W. Fritsch: BPP Fall seminars, Thursday…

From  Sushma Naithani 14 plays

Scientific Assertions that Muddle Ecological Policy

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Department of Fisheries and…

From  Robert Lackey 118 plays

BPP Fall 2021 seminars: "How do grasses grow?" by Annis Richardson:

BPP, OSU Fall seminars, Thursday, 4th November…

From  Sushma Naithani 18 plays

David Rasmussen Seminar: BPP Fall seminars Zoom Meetings 2021 (Thursday, 28th November 2021 )

David Rasmussen (Assistant Professor, NC State…

From  Sushma Naithani 27 plays

BPP Fall Seminars 2021: Marin Talbot Brewer

BPP Fall Seminars 2021: Marin Talbot Brewer

From  Sushma Naithani 14 plays

Celebration of Jim Hall - December 16, 2019

Zoom Recording ID: 776394495 Meeting Time:…

+2 More
From  Stanley Gregory 31 plays