Search for tag: "mars"

Tech Talk Tuesday: Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery in Planetary and Space Science

Kiri Wagstaff, Associate Research ProfessorComputer ScienceOregon State University April 6, 2021 AbstractMachine learning provides the ability to quickly sift through large data sets to identify…

From  Gale Sumida 42 plays

Searching for life beyond Earth: From Mars to the ocean worlds of the outer solar system

In this CEOAS Distinguished Visiting Lecture, Dr. Ellen Stofan discusses how liquid water is key to life on Earth, and thus the focus of our search for life beyond Earth. Finding evidence of…

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From  Ernest Colantonio 60 plays

2016 Thomas Condon Lecture - Dr. John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology - Curiosity's Mission of Exploration at Gale Crater, Mars (October 4, 2016)

2016 Thomas Condon Lecture: Curiosity's Mission of Exploration at Gale Crater, Mars - Dr. John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology, October 4, 2016, LaSells Stewart Center, OREGON…

From  Ernest Colantonio 203 plays