Search for tag: "geology"
2024 Thomas Condon Lecture - Minerals for green energy: how geology dictates the social and environmental impacts of miningFriday, October 25, 2024Title: Minerals for green energy: how geology dictates the social and environmental impacts of mining Speaker: Elizabeth Holley, exploration and mining geologist and Associate…
From Ernest Colantonio
29 plays
Searching for life beyond Earth: From Mars to the ocean worlds of the outer solar systemIn this CEOAS Distinguished Visiting Lecture, Dr. Ellen Stofan discusses how liquid water is key to life on Earth, and thus the focus of our search for life beyond Earth. Finding evidence of…
From Ernest Colantonio
60 plays
Brad Pitcher's PhD Defense pt. 2 of 3Brad Pitcher's successful PhD Dissertation defense on June 9, 2017 (part 2 of 3). Title: "The Deschutes Formation: Evidence of Extension-Enhanced Explosivity in the Early High…
From Bradley Pitcher
28 plays
Brad Pitcher's PhD Defense pt. 3 of 3Brad Pitcher's successful PhD Dissertation defense on June 9, 2017 (part 3 of 3). Title: "The Deschutes Formation: Evidence of Extension-Enhanced Explosivity in the Early High…
From Bradley Pitcher
55 plays
Brad Pitcher's PhD Defense pt. 2 of 3Brad Pitcher's successful PhD Dissertation defense on June 9, 2017 (part 2 of 3). Title: "The Deschutes Formation: Evidence of Extension-Enhanced Explosivity in the Early High…
From Bradley Pitcher
43 plays
Brad Pitcher's PhD Defense pt. 1 of 3Brad Pitcher's successful PhD Dissertation defense on June 9, 2017 (part 1 of 3). Title: "The Deschutes Formation: Evidence of Extension-Enhanced Explosivity in the Early High…
From Bradley Pitcher
82 plays