Search for tag: "field"

Co-Management of threatened species in New Zealand

NR 455 Winter 2021

+19 More
From  Janean Creighton 67 plays

Malheur Experiment Station Virtual Field Tour - Potato Variety Trial

From  Christy Tanner 46 plays

Send Back to Previous Step - 2017 Dec 22 12:51:54

Recording showing supervisors how to send the faculty review submission back to the faculty member through DM Workflow

From  Linda Brewer 27 plays

Taking Field Notes

Including field notes will allow you to incorporate additional information into GEP. This video will demonstrate how you can add details at a photo point so that you can recall in the future.

From  Sergio Arispe 13 plays

Mike Taylor-economics poster.wmv

Michael Taylor, economist with the University of Nevada, Reno Department of Economics, briefly discusses the research he and fellow economist Kim Rollins have done on the economics of…

+8 More
From  steinecr 45 plays

14 Roger-prioritizing mgmt.wmv

Dr. Roger Sheley discusses prioritizing management and how to get started with an EBIPM management plan.

+7 More
From  steinecr 34 plays

13 Roger-adaptive mgmt.wmv

Dr. Roger Sheley discusses the importance of including adaptive management as part of a successful management plan.

+7 More
From  steinecr 23 plays

12 Tom-species performance.wmv

Dr. Tom Monaco discusses principles for tools and strategies associated with plant competition used to choose seeding mixes and plant selections.

+7 More
From  steinecr 32 plays

11 Roger-stress.wmv

Dr. Roger Sheley discusses the principles for tools and strategies to stress invasive species and favor desired plants using grazing and biocontrol.

+7 More
From  steinecr 29 plays

10 Jeremy-species performance.wmv

Dr. Jeremy James discusses the principles for tools and strategies to use for plant life strategies to enhance desired species establishment.

+7 More
From  steinecr 32 plays

9 Joe-species availability.wmv

Dr. Joe DiTomaso discusses the principles and practices to control reproduction of undesired species using herbicides.

+7 More
From  steinecr 18 plays

8 Brenda-species availability.wmv

Dr. Brenda Smith discusses and leads a field activity to demonstrate the principles for tools and strategies to prevent the dispersal of invasive species.

+7 More
From  steinecr 15 plays

7 Stuart-site availability.wmv

Dr. Stuart Hardegree outlines the principles, tools, strategies to manipulate disturbances to manage for desired plants.

+7 More
From  steinecr 18 plays

6 Tom-step 3.wmv

Dr. Tom Monaco discusses Step 3 of the EBIPM process, linking ecological principles to repair ecosystem processes using ecological principles.

+7 More
From  steinecr 15 plays

5 Ed-steps 1 & 2.wmv

Dr. Ed Vasquez outlines the first two steps in the EBIPM process. Step 1-conducting a Rangeland Health Assessment; Step 2-identifying causes of invasion and ecological processes in direpair using the…

+7 More
From  steinecr 46 plays

4 Roger-succession.wmv

Dr. Roger Sheley discusses how to recognize plant community change, succession, through an activity out in the field.

+7 More
From  steinecr 21 plays

3 Brenda-what is ebipm.wmv

Dr. Brenda Smith provides an overview of ecologically-based invasive plant management and how it can be used for better management of invasive plants.

+7 More
From  steinecr 31 plays

2 Jeremy-what does it take.wmv

Dr. Jeremy James discusses what it takes to successfully manage invasive annual grasses using science-based solutions.

+7 More
From  steinecr 33 plays

1 Roger-intro.wmv

Dr. Roger Sheley introduces Ecologically-based Invasive Plant Management at the 2012 EBIPM Field School in Reno, Nevada August 28th, 2012

+6 More
From  steinecr 45 plays

A Field Guide to Vertebrate Pests of PNW Conifers

A Field Guide to Vertebrate Pests of PNW Conifers, 1019 DVD.

+6 More
From FMC 313 plays

Skyline Logging Field Trip

Skyline Logging Field Trip, 1236 DVD.

+4 More
From FMC 49 plays

Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research & Extension Center

Pear and cherry growers attend summer field days to learn of new growing techniques. Bob Bailey, local cherry grower, speaks of the value to growers of the work done by scientists at OSU's…

+6 More
From  Leighann Auer 36 plays

Making the Science Connection

The thought of hosting an educational field trip of 60, 70 or more 2nd grade students at your facility might sound demanding, stressful, too much to deal with or maybe even impossible. The Eastern…

+3 More
From  steinecr 15 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #1: Charlie Olson (Starker Forests)-- Nutrition in forest plantations - Doug Maguire and Steve Perakis.

+7 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 36 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #4: Management and practices Protecting public resources on private lands - Russ Anderson, ODF Tribal plantations - Mike Kennedy, Siletz Industrial plantations - Jeff Light,…

+10 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 31 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #1: Charlie Olson (Starker Forests)-- Carbon flux in intensive plantations - Bev Law

+10 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 21 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #3, Part 2: Wood quality in planted forests - John Punches, OSU

+7 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 18 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #3: Structure based management - ODF Planted forests using structure based management - Dan Borg/ Evelyn Hukari, ODF

+7 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 15 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #2: Underhill Tree Farm (Starker Forests)-- Vegetation management: the critical threshold study - Robin Rose/Eric Dinger Vascular plant diversity in plantations - Robin…

+10 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 39 plays

A Virtual Tour: Starker Lecture Series Capstone Field Trip

May 29, 2008. Stop #1: Bev Law, Carbon Sequestration in Forest Plantations.

+7 More
From  Jessica Fitzmorris 33 plays