Search for tag: "education"

**How could you not grow garlic?* - Wash. Co. Master Gardener Assoc. Speaker Series - June 2023

Zoom Recording ID: 97392600536 UUID: l5qiACbjQ7SIo0gecAetlA== Meeting Time: 2023-06-07 01:10:31amGMT

From  Marcia McIntyre 12 plays

**Conserving Our World - One Plant at a Time* - Wash. Co. Master Gardener Assoc. May 2023 -

Zoom Recording ID: 94066096286 UUID: F2bTzMcwTF2yS6RrpKjMAg== Meeting Time: 2023-05-03 01:00:26amGMT

From  Marcia McIntyre 6 plays

**Introduction to Dry Farming and Gardening* - Mult. Co. Master Gardener Assoc. Speaker Series - April 2023

Zoom Recording ID: 92363475272 UUID: o/Dcafo0SS2ayCW/fHcXbQ== Meeting Time: 2023-04-12 12:58:30amGMT

From  Marcia McIntyre 8 plays

**Digital plant problem diagnosis* - Wash. Co. Master Gardener Association Speaker Series - April 2023

Zoom Recording ID: 94272398356 UUID: tNBQI7s1ReKKYcLPnqOWnw== Meeting Time: 2023-04-05 12:56:56amGMT

From  Marcia McIntyre 6 plays

**Mulch and Mycorrhizae* - Mult. Co. Master Gardener Assoc. Speaker Series - March 2023

Zoom Recording ID: 94097671351 UUID: inJD0HVRRniJnnhIIPEWGg== Meeting Time: 2023-03-15 12:59:43amGMT

From  Marcia McIntyre 3 plays

**Native Plants for Gardens and Pollinators - 2022 Fall Recertification Webinar*

Zoom Recording ID: 96876753071 UUID: IOQhZg90RoeLmwqcMGa+HQ== Meeting Time: 2022-11-11 01:26:48am

From  Marcia McIntyre 37 plays

**Emerald Ash Borer: the pest, the signs, the symptoms - 2022 Fall Recertification Webinar *

Zoom Recording ID: 95157577906 UUID: KTXhJhs5Raml5P5rdt9ozA== Meeting Time: 2022-11-10 01:26:10am

From  Marcia McIntyre 11 plays

**Solve Pest Problems - A New Information Resource for the Pacific Northwest - 2022 Fall Recertification Webinar*

Zoom Recording ID: 98137262559 UUID: 6W8yXw4BTXq9K7Wo/KPdjg== Meeting Time: 2022-11-03 01:12:16am

From  Marcia McIntyre 23 plays

AI Seminar 33 - Patrick Roberts and Neville Mehta

Data Science Consulting at AWS

From  Prasad Tadepalli 12 plays

Polar STEAM Intro NNA Nov 2022

This introduction to the NSF- Funded OSU Facilitated Polar STEAM programs is prepared with the 2022 Navigating the New Arctic Meeting. More information is…

+5 More
From  Julie Risien 2 plays

**How climate change is affecting trees* - Washington County Master Gardener Association's Speaker Series

Zoom Recording ID: 91981110790 UUID: YS96WqLLS0etprWeqjvB6g== Meeting Time: 2022-09-07 01:03:56am

From  Marcia McIntyre 37 plays

How to build a truly interesting garden - Multnomah County Master Gardener Association's Speaker Series

Zoom Recording ID: 93769850882 UUID: ItpOCWHkSuqiubz5bJ2ymQ== Meeting Time: 2022-06-15 12:59:39am

From  Marcia McIntyre 39 plays

**Native and Exotic Plants for Pollinators - Multnomah County Master Gardener Association's Speaker Series

Zoom Recording ID: 97983751001 UUID: Tsj4DKV3SMWdk9DvAKN/Jw== Meeting Time: 2022-05-11 12:59:09am

From  Marcia McIntyre 41 plays

Adult Learners: The Kaleidoscope Metaphor

Adult Learners: The Kaleidoscope Metaphor is a poem created by Lynne L. Hindman, Ph.D. who serves as the Lead for Oregon State University's (College of Education) Learning Experience Design…

+1 More
From  Lynne Hindman 77 plays

**Conservation of fruit, nut and specialty crops* - Washington County Master Gardener Speaker Series - 2021 December

Zoom Recording ID: 93439017387 UUID: jzkGwswVTQ+AVLGU4Jua4A== Meeting Time: 2021-12-08 01:24:56am

From  Marcia McIntyre 58 plays

**Growing Glorious Garlic - Multnomah County Master Gardener Association's Speaker Series - October 2021

Zoom Recording ID: 98524595296 UUID: jz+wPuWrS+6+tjmbonlPjg== Meeting Time: 2021-10-13 04:56:06am

From  Marcia McIntyre 94 plays

**Reasons to love the arachnids in your gardens * - Washington County Master Gardener Association's Speaker Series - October 2021

Zoom Recording ID: 99855252883 UUID: nuwjfUx9RYmA+1E+5XkgUQ== Meeting Time: 2021-10-06 04:53:19am

From  Marcia McIntyre 48 plays

**Weeds or Landscape Ornamentals? - Multnomah County Master Gardener Association Speaker Series 2021_06

Zoom Recording ID: 94504612361 UUID: odmB2dlrQHWsvTGBCqXJgQ== Meeting Time: 2021-06-09T00:59:22Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 71 plays

**The Science Behind the Myths and Misconceptions of Gardening with Mulch, Metals (heavy,toxic) and Mycorrhizae.* - Washington Co. Master Gardener Association's Lecture Series

Zoom Recording ID: 95800433584 UUID: hyO3jH0uQAeyROjjovsSqw== Meeting Time: 2021-06-02T00:51:38Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 54 plays

**Eat Winter Vegetables - Multnomah County Master Gardeners Speaker Series 2021_05

Zoom Recording ID: 96240337405 UUID: unHiEWhoTRalXGIVDx6tLQ== Meeting Time: 2021-05-12T00:59:19Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 71 plays

**Beyond Glyphosate: How to think & talk about safety and risk of pesticides* - Washington County Master Gardener Association's Lecture Series 2021_05

Zoom Recording ID: 94653274847 UUID: 5t06KnhzRVujVAxSmwJksg== Meeting Time: 2021-05-05T01:04:57Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 83 plays

**Propagation* - In the Garden Series - Washington County Master Gardener Association 2021_03

Zoom Recording ID: 93086899374 UUID: Lx9sypnzTwe+HbtvxxstmQ== Meeting Time: 2021-03-27T16:02:16Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 50 plays

**Berries for the Home Gardener* - Washington County Association's Lecture Series 04_2021

Zoom Recording ID: 96567055298 UUID: OB+nzpU2StK2xUBIOpmVAw== Meeting Time: 2021-04-07T00:58:34Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 55 plays

**Gardening with Pacific Northwest native plants: An ecological approach - In the Garden Series - Washington County Master Gardener Association 2021_02

Zoom Recording ID: 94608433589 UUID: BxlJbk6HQRm42eLDtFrHfQ== Meeting Time: 2021-02-27T16:59:16Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 90 plays

**What is the environmental impact of your garden? A life cycle analysis approach* 2021_03

Zoom Recording ID: 92624591300 UUID: VQsh1/hFRJi4Lp+oBBY/yA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-10T02:00:49Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 47 plays

**What to do about herbicide contaminated compost and soil mix* - Clackamas County Master Gardener Association's Lecture Series 2021_02

Zoom Recording ID: 98609092669 UUID: ekkJ4CyKTrKQhLSQ7A/qPg== Meeting Time: 2021-02-09T02:29:40Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 129 plays

**Woody perennials: diseases and diagnosis* - Washington County Master Gardener Association's Lecture Series - 2021_02

Zoom Recording ID: 96905659872 UUID: 7vjkKsoyQHa/j7J7+oZjgA== Meeting Time: 2021-02-03T01:58:08Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 55 plays

**Fruit Tree Pruning: 10-Minute University™ Noon-Time Chat 2021_02

Zoom Recording ID: 95340115647 UUID: FwU8LQHqR6Sm+ftsTq583g== Meeting Time: 2021-02-03T19:03:10Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 266 plays

**Native Pollinators and how to attract them* - Mace Vaughan - Washington County Master Gardener Lecture Series

Zoom Recording ID: 93421109879 UUID: fejolrRYTJ2efgQ+Mfw0jg== Meeting Time: 2021-01-06T02:00:12Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 70 plays

**Food Sovereignty - presenter Shantae Johnson, Mudbone Grown Farm - Multnomah Master Gardener Speaker Series

Zoom Recording ID: 96050021237 UUID: 8cf2Nn4iTiC2NSxr5xKHig== Meeting Time: 2021-01-13T01:58:37Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 44 plays

**Fire and plants: how to reduce your risk of wildfire - Multnomah Master Gardener Speaker Series - November 2020

Zoom Recording ID: 92967723000 UUID: 1BvXk5rWTxSv9tbe6U1SAw== Meeting Time: 2020-11-11T01:57:15Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 50 plays

**Part II - Invasive Species Threating Oregon! What to Look For and How to Help* - Garden Webinar Series - metro area OSU Extension Master Gardener Program -

Zoom Recording ID: 96855497657 UUID: 8vA5KpZtSdOW9yLxaHgD9A== Meeting Time: 2020-12-04T19:57:06Z

From  Marcia McIntyre 52 plays