Search for tag: "crop"

Is Science on a Path to Irrelevance in Policy and Management?

Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Plenary Lecture, 15th Annual Banff Conference, Alberta Institute of Agrologists, March 28, 2019, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

From  Robert Lackey 454 plays

Harward Endowment Lecture

"Ecological Homogenization of Urban America" Peter M. Groffman, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies-January 29, 2013

From  Jay Noller 117 plays

Dr. Jeff Leonard: "A Million-Piece Puzzle: Physically mappin

Crop and Soil Sciences Spring Seminar Series

From  woodw 13 plays

Breeding for Fiber Content in Wheat Flour

Presenter - Dr. Edward Souza, Crop & Soil Science, Wheat Breeding and Genetics Position Candidate

From  Ben Greenwalt 25 plays

Evidence for Different Contributions of Archaea and Bacteria

Presenter - Anne Taylor - Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Crop & Soil Science Department

From  Ben Greenwalt 8 plays

The Sustainable Biochar System: Terrestrial Carbon Harvestin

Presenter - John Miedema - Director of Biomass Energy for Thompson Timber and Starker Forests

From  Ben Greenwalt 16 plays

Stacking the Deck - Wheat Breeding in the 21st Century

Presenter - Dr. Robert Zemetra, Crop & Soil Science, Wheat Breeding and Genetics Position Candidate

From  Ben Greenwalt 21 plays

Development of weed control strategies in the irrigated crop

Presenter - Joel Felix - Assistant Professor - Weed Science, Oregon State University

From  Ben Greenwalt 10 plays

Addressing the Changing Needs for Extension in Lincoln Count

Presenter - Sam Angima - County staff chair, AG agent, small farms agent, Lincoln Co. Extension

From  Ben Greenwalt 5 plays

What genes are in your beer?

Presenter - Scott Fisk - MS Graduate Student, Crop Science, Oregon State University

From  Ben Greenwalt 17 plays

The Secrets to Successful PowerPoint Presentations

Presenters - Weiwei Zhang (Educational Trainer with the OSU Technology Across the Curriculum Program) and Jon Dorbolo (Associate Director of the TAC Program)

From  Ben Greenwalt 112 plays

Addressing entomological issues through research and extensi

Presenter - Silvia Rondon - Entomologist, HAREC, Oregon State University

From  Ben Greenwalt 9 plays

The Future of Public Wheat Breeding: Is Soybean Breeding th

Presenter - Chris Gaynor - MS Graduate Student, Crop Science, Oregon State University

From  Ben Greenwalt 28 plays

New Crops and High Residue Farming For Irrigated Farms In th

Presenter: Steve Norberg - Assistant Professor - Crops Agent, Oregon State University

From  Ben Greenwalt 8 plays

Soil organic matter turnover: what did we learn from long-te

Presenter: Michael Schmidt - University of Zurich, Switzerland

From  Ben Greenwalt 27 plays

4.5 Years as the Extension Cereal Specialist

Presenter: Michael Flowers - Assistant Professor - Extension Cereals Specialist. (Note - there were some technical issues with the recording.)

From  Ben Greenwalt 10 plays

CSS Spring Departmental Meeting - Part 3

Third and final portion of the Crop & Soil Science Spring Departmental meeting.

From  Ben Greenwalt 4 plays

CSS Spring Departmental Meeting - Part 1

Initial portion of the Crop & Soil Science Spring Departmental meeting.

From  Ben Greenwalt 1 plays

CSS Spring Departmental Meeting - Part 2

Second portion of the Crop & Soil Science Spring Departmental meeting.

From  Ben Greenwalt 3 plays

Food For Thought: Fulfilling the Promise of Crop Biotechnol

Dr. Roger Beachy, founding president of the non-profit Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri Fulfilling the Promise of Crop Biotechnology for the Poor in Africa: Challenges for…

From  Eric Gleske 11 plays