Dr. Robert T. Lackey, Plenary Lecture, 15th…
"Ecological Homogenization of Urban…
Crop and Soil Sciences Spring Seminar Series
Presenter - Dr. Edward Souza, Crop & Soil…
Presenter - Anne Taylor - Post Doctoral Research…
Presenter - John Miedema - Director of Biomass…
Presenter - Dr. Robert Zemetra, Crop & Soil…
Presenter - Joel Felix - Assistant Professor -…
Presenter - Sam Angima - County staff chair, AG…
Presenter - Scott Fisk - MS Graduate Student,…
Presenters - Weiwei Zhang (Educational Trainer…
Presenter - Silvia Rondon - Entomologist, HAREC,…
Presenter - Chris Gaynor - MS Graduate Student,…
Presenter: Steve Norberg - Assistant Professor -…
Presenter: Michael Schmidt - University of…
Presenter: Michael Flowers - Assistant Professor…
Third and final portion of the Crop & Soil…
Initial portion of the Crop & Soil Science…
Second portion of the Crop & Soil Science…
Dr. Roger Beachy, founding president of the…