Viticulturists around the world use the term vine balance to describe the desired relationship between vine vegetative and reproductive growth. Whether qualitative or quantitative, vineyard managers will try to assess and achieve some desired level of vineyard crop load balance for their growing region, variety, and market through vine size and/or crop size management. The main objective in the “Efficient Vineyard” project is to spatially measure vineyard soil, canopy, and crop characteristics with mobile vineyard sensors; model vineyard crop load through spatial data processing and validation; and apply variable rate crop load management through integrated vineyard mechanization. Using some real-world examples, Dr. Bates discussed the current use of proximal sensors, spatial data processing, and variable-rate technology in vineyard crop load management.
Date: February 13, 2018
Title: Variable rate crop load management for vineyard balance: Can we do it?
Presenter: Dr. Terry Bates, Director, Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension