Search for tag: "plant pathology"

Brooklyn Richards - "Ecological Mechanisms of Gynodioecy Maintenance in Meadow Checkermallow (Sidalcea campestris)"

Introduced by advisor Andy Jones. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 23 plays

Kim Syring - "Deciphering the genotype-phenotype connection: evaluating the impacts of environmental and species diversity on functional traits in Basidiobolus"

Introduced by advisor Joseph Spatafora. Presented…

From  Nathan Nolte 4 plays

Harrison Bell - "Pollen Grain Morphology in Zea mays"

Introduced by advisor John Fowler Jr. Presented…

From  Nathan Nolte 3 plays

Gabrielle (Gabby) Studebaker - "Distribution and impact of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla) on potato in the Pacific Northwest"

Introduced by advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 10 plays

Alexandria Kurowski - "Characterizing transposable elements and repetitive DNA in the giant genomes of three Fritillaria species"

Introduced by advisor Aaron Liston. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 0 plays

Savannah Phipps - "High-throughput phenotyping of nematode-induced plant stress in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)"

Introduced by Advisor Inga Zasada. Presented on…

From  Nathan Nolte 4 plays

A simulation model: Powdery Mildew of grapevine

A simulation of grape powdery mildew development…

From  Denise Dewey 6 plays

Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December 2021 "To Boldly Grow...Plants in Space"

Simon Gilroy: BPP Fall seminar on 2nd December…

From  Sushma Naithani 27 plays

Dr. Peter W. Fritsch: BPP Fall seminars, Thursday ,18th November 2021

Dr. Peter W. Fritsch: BPP Fall seminars, Thursday…

From  Sushma Naithani 14 plays

BPP Fall 2021 seminars: "How do grasses grow?" by Annis Richardson:

BPP, OSU Fall seminars, Thursday, 4th November…

From  Sushma Naithani 18 plays

David Rasmussen Seminar: BPP Fall seminars Zoom Meetings 2021 (Thursday, 28th November 2021 )

David Rasmussen (Assistant Professor, NC State…

From  Sushma Naithani 27 plays

BPP Fall Seminars 2021: Marin Talbot Brewer

BPP Fall Seminars 2021: Marin Talbot Brewer

From  Sushma Naithani 14 plays

Achala-KC -BPP Fall seminars 2021 (Thursday, Oct 7th)

Zoom Recording ID: 99515547066 UUID:…

+2 More
From  Sushma Naithani 15 plays


From  Sushma Naithani 57 plays

Grape Day 2021: Alexander Wong, OSU

This is the third webinar presented during the…

+3 More
From  Denise Dewey 16 plays

Grape Day 2021: Sarah Lowder, OSU

This webinar is presented by Sarah Lowder, a…

+3 More
From  Denise Dewey 15 plays

Grape Red Blotch Disease Webinar - Dr. Achala KC

Dr. Achala KC, Assistant Professor of Plant…

From  Patricia Skinkis 25 plays

Research Seminar 2019: Dr. Akif Eskalen, UC Davis

The seminar is presented by Dr. Akif Eskalen,…

+5 More
From  Denise Dewey 56 plays

2018 Distinguished Professor Lecture - Joey Spatafora

How Fungi Changed the World

From  Shari Brumbach 42 plays

20161020 The Northern Root-knot Nematode Prefers Chardonnay: Insights into Nematode Biology and Management in Semi-arid wine grape vineyards

Dr. Inga Zasada, Research Plant Pathologist,…

+5 More
From  Denise Dewey 57 plays

Inspiration Dissemination Featuring Alija Mujic (5-27-12)

Inspiration Dissemination is a radio program on…

+8 More
From  Joseph Hulbert 54 plays