Search for tag: "model"


Design Project 2 Logic 271 Vending Machine Amber Hoar

From  Amber Hoar 8 plays

AI Seminar74: Pascal Poupart

Training Machines to Know What They Don't Know

From  Prasad Tadepalli 4 plays

AI Seminar 71: Siddharth Srivastava

When Sparse Data is All You Have: Learning World Models for Generalizable Planning and RL with a View Towards AI Asessment

From  Prasad Tadepalli 4 plays

10-23-23 Budget and Finance Partner Forum - FY24 SRBM Deep Dive

Budget and Resource Planning Staff takes a deep dive into the FY24 Shared Responsibility Budget Model.

+4 More
From  Mealoha McFadden 17 plays

AI Seminar 36 - Xiaoli Fern

Microbial "Language Model" Using Natural Language Processing Techniques to Understand Microbiomes

From  Prasad Tadepalli 52 plays

Ties to the Logic Model - April 8th 2021, 1:20:09 pm

From  Linda Brewer 41 plays

Lomónaco F2014

This video is a presentation by Dr. Pedro Lomónaco to the Marine Forum pertaining to "Designing, Building and Operating a Facility for Physical Model Testing of Coastal and Offshore…

From  Elizabeth Hodges 35 plays

Starrett and So F2014

This video is a presentation by Michael Starrett and Ratanak So to the Marine Forum pertaining to "Development of Model Predictive Control for a Multi-Pod Wave Energy Converter." Fall term…

From  Elizabeth Hodges 82 plays

Brekken F2014

This video is a presentation by Dr. Ted Brekken to the Marine Forum pertaining to "Model Predictive Control for Ocean Wave Energy." Fall term 2014.

From  Elizabeth Hodges 111 plays - "MyPest Page" for pest and disease risk models - Introduction to "MyPest Page" with hourly weather data and multiple disease risk and degree-day models. Includes a brief introduction to disease mapping, available for selected…

+3 More
From  Leonard Coop 493 plays

BB 451/551 Lecture for January 12, 2009

BB 451/551 Biochemistry Lecture by Kevin Ahern

+16 More
From  Kevin Ahern 8 plays

Global Climate Change and Fire

Ron Neilson, FOR 446 Lecture

+6 More
From FMC 8 plays

COMSOL tutorial 2: Model and reaction settings

COMSOL Reaction Engineering Lab introduction to model and reaction settings

+6 More
From  swoggere 960 plays

COMSOL Tutorial 1: Creating a New Model

Tutorial briefly looks at Model Navigator window when opening a new model in COMSOL Reaction Engineering Lab

+6 More
From  swoggere 661 plays

Groundwater Role Play

Dueling Experts and Muscle Mediation Example

From  William Jarvis 160 plays

Groundwater Tutorial

Video of groundwater model with explanation of the basics of groundwater hydrology

+21 More
From  William Jarvis 5,096 plays