Search for tag: "ipm"

Field Crops Coffee Hour

Silvia Rondon, the director of the Oregon IPM Center at OSU, discusses the mission of the IPM center, and how they can support the grass seed industry on key pest management issues.

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From  Christy Tanner 13 plays

2022 Agricultural Diversity on Western Farms - Day 1 (May 24, 2022)

2022 Agricultural Biodiversity on Western Farms - Habitat Working for Farmers - Presented by Oregon IPM Center and Oregon State…

From  Christopher Hedstrom 21 plays

How Do I Control Leafminers?

OSU Extension Service Master Gardener Dennis Brown shows an easy way to control leafminers.

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From  Marcia McIntyre 126 plays


by Gail Langellotto. Part of the Gearing Up for Gardening series hosted by the Benton County Master Gardeners

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From  LeAnn Locher 141 plays - Introduction to making custom degree-day maps - Introduction to "", a custom GIS-based degree-day mapmaking program for pest management and invasive species decision support - 48 US states supported

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From  Leonard Coop 288 plays - "MyPest Page" for pest and disease risk models - Introduction to "MyPest Page" with hourly weather data and multiple disease risk and degree-day models. Includes a brief introduction to disease mapping, available for selected…

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From  Leonard Coop 493 plays - Degree-Day Models - A brief introduction on the Google Maps interface to run degree-day/phenology models.

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From  Leonard Coop 395 plays