Search for tag: "cycle"

UVic Talks: Andrew MacDougall & Maksim DeSisto: “Adding terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus cycles to UVic”

Zoom Recording ID: 96850291582 UUID: jtaw7CjdQBe+rOgVWDcZ+g== Meeting Time: 2021-08-26T18:05:48Z

From  Andreas Schmittner 12 plays

ATS 201 Review 2

From  Andreas Schmittner 162 plays

Observations: Ocean & Carbon

Lecture on climate observations from the ocean and atmospheric carbon dioxide.

From  Andreas Schmittner 299 plays

Forest carbon monitoring update-20160718 1700-1_106905922 - Clipped by Robert Kennedy

Project wrap-up for USDA-NIFA and NASA-CMS supported carbon monitoring study in Washington, Oregon, and California. Contact Robert Kennedy ( for more details.

From  Robert Kennedy 68 plays


Title: Life in the Polar Ocean. Andrew Thurber, a post-doctoral scientist in Oregon State's College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, describes his research of life under the sea ice in…

From  Nick Houtman 101 plays

Nitrogen Metabolism

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing nitrogen metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and the urea cycle.

From  Kevin Ahern 59 plays

Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation

A lecture by Kevin Ahern covering the glyoxylate cycle, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, and respiratory control.

From  Kevin Ahern 27 plays

Citric Acid Cycle

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing the reactions of the Citric Acid Cycle and its relationship to other metabolic pathways.

From  Kevin Ahern 14 plays

Carbohydrate Storage I

A lecture by Kevin Ahern describing gluconeogenesis and glycogen metabolism.

From  Kevin Ahern 20 plays

Biotechnology II and Viruses

A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing techniques in modern biotechnology and mechanisms of action of viruses.

From  Kevin Ahern 54 plays

BB 451/551 Lecture for January 7, 2009

Biochemistry Lecture by Kevin Ahern Citric Acid Cycle II Glyoxylate Cycle

From  Kevin Ahern 7 plays

BB 451/551 Lecture for January 5, 2009

Biochemistry Lecture. Citric Acid Cycle I

From  Kevin Ahern 6 plays

Lipids and Membranes

Lecture by Kevin Ahern covering the Glyoxylate Cycle and an introduction to structural considerations of lipids and membranes.

From  Kevin Ahern 6 plays

Citric Acid Cycle II

Lecture by Kevin Ahern on the citric acid cycle. Topics covered included enzymes and intermediates of the pathway and the basics of regulation.

From  Kevin Ahern 8 plays

Citric Acid Cycle I Lecture for January 3, 2011

BB 451/551 Biochemistry Lecture by Kevin Ahern

From  Kevin Ahern 32 plays

BB 451/551 Lecture for January 16, 2009

Biochemistry lecture

From  Kevin Ahern 4 plays

Starker Lecture Series - Dr. C.S. Holling - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds

October 9, 2003. Dr. C.S. Holling: From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Holling, Arthur R. Marshall Jr. Chair in Ecological Sciences (Emeritus) University of Florida.

From  Jessica Fitzmorris 18 plays