Search for tag: "vegetation"


Here we will highlight an activity that will give you practice using your GPS receiver and/or GPS-enabled camera. Specifically, we will have you record information to manage invasive annual weeds in…

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From  Sergio Arispe 19 plays

Forest Vegetation Management

Forest Vegetation Management, 932 DVD.

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From FMC 15 plays

ILAP Climate Change and Vegetation Module Overview

Dr. Dominique Bachelet, Conservation Biology Institute, provides an overview of the ILAP module she leads: Climate Change and Vegetation.

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From  salwassj 17 plays

ILAP Webinar on the GIS and VDDT Modules April 26, 2011

This is the second webinar from the GIS and VDDT module leaders, Joe Bernert and Emilie Henderson (INR). The represent the Science Delivery modules of the Integrated Landscape Assessment Project…

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From  Janine Salwasser 21 plays

ILAP VDDT Modeling Module Description

Description of Integrated Landscape Assessment Project VDDT Modeling Module by Dr. Emilie Henderson, INR. VDDT (Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool) is a state and transition modeling tool that…

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From  Janine Salwasser 32 plays