Search for tag: "ilap"

CMH Southeastern Oregon close-out - January 28, 2015

In the kick-off and close-out CMH Southeastern Oregon project webinars, Megan Creutzburg (INR Portland) provides an overview of a project also funded by NWCSC, that uses climate-smart state and…

From  Andrew Wentworth 25 plays

CMH Southeastern Oregon kick-off project - March 7, 2013

In the kick-off and close-out CMH Southeastern Oregon project webinars, Megan Creutzburg (INR Portland) provides an overview of a project also funded by NWCSC, that uses climate-smart state and…

From  Andrew Wentworth 26 plays

CMH Coastal Washington close-out - March 18, 2014

In the kick-off and close-out Climate, Management, and Habitat (CMH) Coastal Washington project webinars, Jessica Halofsky (INR) provides an overview to stakeholders of a project funded by the NW…

From  Andrew Wentworth 20 plays

CMH Coastal Washington kick-off project - January 15, 2013

In the kick-off and close-out Climate, Management, and Habitat (CMH) Coastal Washington project webinars, Jessica Halofsky (INR) provides an overview to stakeholders of a project funded by the NW…

From  Andrew Wentworth 29 plays

EMDS Decision Support - March 15, 2012

Sean Gordon (OSU College of Forestry) provides an update with draft NW outputs using EMDS and ILAP outputs from other modules. 40 minutes

From  Andrew Wentworth 17 plays

Decision Support Module - December 21, 2010

Sean Gordon (US Forest Service, Region 6) explains Ecosystem Management Decision Support System, and Michael Wing (OSU College of Forestry) explains Optimized Decision Support within the Decision…

From  Andrew Wentworth 30 plays

Fire Probabilities and Climate Change Module - May 24, 2011

Heather Greaves (OSU College of Forestry) presents an overview of this third Climate Change module which addresses climate change impacts on fire probabilities and vegetation in Central Oregon…

From  Andrew Wentworth 22 plays

Watersheds and Climate Change Module - March 29, 2011

Gordie Reeves (USFS PNW Research Station) presents an overview of this second Climate Change module which addresses climate change impacts on Northwest watersheds using NetMap, a watershed…

From  Andrew Wentworth 28 plays

Climate Change and Vegetation Module Outputs - October 16, 2012

The second webinar focuses on the MC1 outputs for Washington, Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico using an A2 emissions scenario for CSIRO, MIROC, and Hadley models. 43 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 19 plays

Climate Change and Vegetation Module - February 22, 2011

Dominique Batchelet (Conservation Biology Institute) presents an overview of this Climate Change module which addresses Northwest and Southwest climate change impacts on water supplies,…

From  Andrew Wentworth 21 plays

Community Economics Module Draft NW Outputs - January 10, 2012

The second webinar features an update of their work and the draft outputs for Oregon and Washington. 40 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 33 plays

Community Economics Module - November 23, 2010

Claire Montgomery (OSU College of Forestry) presents an overview of the Community Economics module. 30 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 26 plays

Fuel Characteristics Module Draft Outputs - December 14, 2011

The second webinar features an update of their work and the draft outputs for the Central Washington Landscape Area. 33 minutes (FF first 2 min.)

From  Andrew Wentworth 37 plays

Fuel Characteristics Module - November 23, 2010

Jessica Halofsky and Stephanie Hart (University of Washington) provide an overview of the Fuel Characteristics module with a presentation on "Simulating Fire Hazard Across Landscapes Through…

From  Andrew Wentworth 15 plays

Fuel Treatment Economic Analysis Module Draft Outputs - June 28, 2011

The second webinar features an update of Xiaoping Zhou's work and the draft outputs for the Central Washington Landscape Area. 32 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 18 plays

Fuel Treatment Economic Analysis Module Overview - October 26, 2010

Xiaoping Zhou (USFS PNW Research Station) provides an overview of the Fuel Treatment Economic Analysis module. 29 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 15 plays

Wildlife Module Central WA Draft Outputs - July 17, 2011

The third webinar features wildlife habitat outputs for Central Washington for two scenarios. 29 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 6 plays

Wildlife Module Draft Outputs - July 26, 2011

The second webinar features a module update and draft outputs for watersheds within Oregon & Washington. 28 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 9 plays

Wildlife Habitat Module - September 28, 2010

Anita Morzillo (OSU College of Forestry) provides an overview of the Wildlife module. 33 minutes.

From  Andrew Wentworth 11 plays

GIS and VDDT Modules Overview - August 24, 2010

Joe Bernert and Emilie Henderson (INR Portland) present an overview and update of the GIS and VDDT modules in the first webinar. 32 minutes. The second webinar features the draft outputs from…

From  Andrew Wentworth 13 plays

Arid Lands Workshop - March 21, 2012

Megan Creutzburg (INR Portland) and other team members provide an overview of the ILAP arid lands data, tools and draft output for Oregon and Washington. 175 minutes

From  Andrew Wentworth 15 plays

Outreach - May 8, 2012

Lisa Gaines and Janine Salwasser (INR Corvallis) provide an overview of the outreach, including the strategy, feedback received, materials used, and next steps. 42 minutes

From  Andrew Wentworth 9 plays

Western Landscapes Explorer preview - September 25, 2012

Myrica McCune (INR Corvallis) previews the Western Landscapes Explorer digital library which will provide public access to ILAP data, maps, and project information, as well as other…

From  Andrew Wentworth 21 plays

ILAP Climate Change and Vegetation Module Overview

Dr. Dominique Bachelet, Conservation Biology Institute, provides an overview of the ILAP module she leads: Climate Change and Vegetation.

From  salwassj 17 plays

ILAP Climate Change and Fire Probabilities Module Overview

Overview by Rebecca Kennedy, Forest Service PNW Research Station, of the ILAP module she leads: ILAP Climate Change and Fire Probabilities

From  salwassj 9 plays

ILAP Webinar on the GIS and VDDT Modules April 26, 2011

This is the second webinar from the GIS and VDDT module leaders, Joe Bernert and Emilie Henderson (INR). The represent the Science Delivery modules of the Integrated Landscape Assessment Project…

From  Janine Salwasser 21 plays

ILAP EMDS Decision Support Module Description

Description of Integrated Landscape Assessment Project EMDS Decision Support Module by Dr. Sean Gordon, OSU College of Forestry. EMDS is an Ecosystem Management Decision Support tool.

From  Janine Salwasser 21 plays

ILAP Community Economics Module Description

Description of Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Community Economics Module by Dr. Claire Montgomery, OSU College of Forestry.

From  Janine Salwasser 18 plays

ILAP VDDT Modeling Module Description

Description of Integrated Landscape Assessment Project VDDT Modeling Module by Dr. Emilie Henderson, INR. VDDT (Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool) is a state and transition modeling tool that…

From  Janine Salwasser 32 plays

ILAP GIS Module Description

Description of Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Module by Joe Bernert, INR.

From  Janine Salwasser 23 plays

ILAP Wildlife Habitat Module Description

Description of Integrated Landscape Assessment Project Wildlife Habitat Module by Dr. Anita Morzillo, OSU College of Forestry.

From  Janine Salwasser 52 plays

ILAP Climate Change and Fire Probabilities Module Descriptio

Description of the Integrated Landscape Assessment Project (ILAP) Climate Change and Fire Probabilities Module by Dr. Rebecca Kennedy, PNW Research Station and OSU College of Forestry.

From  Janine Salwasser 13 plays