Search for tag: "utilization"

Introduction to Utilization Monitoring

In this first of 3 videos on utilization monitoring, locating key areas is explained. The balance method for utilization, a simplified method of monitoring, is demonstrated. The difference between…

From  Sergio Arispe 64 plays

Using the Utilization Gauge

This 16:40 minute video explains all the steps and proper procedures for using the USFS Utilization Gauge. Included are obtaining ungrazed plant heights, setting up a data form, collecting a…

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From  Sergio Arispe 114 plays

Developing Your Own Utilization Curve

This 5 minute video explains a simplified way to add a plant to the USFS Utilization Gauge. It also provides a web link to download spreadsheets to assist in this procedure.

From  Sergio Arispe 57 plays