Search for tag: "tree"

22A-Lucas-DomesticWell-Rural Living Basics 2018 Tree School

This is a power point presentation from class 22A Living with your Domestic Well that was held on March 24, 2018 at Clackamas Tree School.

From  Jean Bremer 7 plays

21C-Cloughesy - Oregon Forest Protection Law

This is a power point presentation from class 21C Oregon Forest Protection Laws at Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 8 plays

20D-Hopkins-Fuels Reduction Slideshow

This is a power point presentation 20D Fire, Fuels, and Hazard Reduction from Clackamas Tree School 2018 on March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 12 plays

19D-Stewart-Discovering-tree school-final

This is a power point presentation from class 19D Discovering Simple Stream Restoration Projects for Small Woodland Landowners from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 9 plays

17C-WithroRobinson-CTS 2018 young stand thinning

This is a power point presentation from class 17C Spacing and Thinning in Young Stands from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 8 plays


This is a power point presentation from class 14D Hedgerows for Habitat at Clackamas Tree School 2018 on March 24.

From  Jean Bremer 9 plays

14A-2 of 2-Merzenich-PPine2018

This is a power point presentation 14A Ponderosa Pine in the Willamette Valley part 2 from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 12 plays

13C-Elder_Grand_basic Inventory_tree school 2018

This is a power point presentation from Clackamas Trees School on March 24, 2018. The class is 13C Basic Timber Inventory for Woodland Owners.

From  Jean Bremer 15 plays


This is a power point presentation from Clackamas Trees School 2018 - class11D Learn About Truffle Dog Training and Demonstration.

From  Jean Bremer 9 plays

11C-Brown-Xmas 2018

This is a power point presentation from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018, class 11C Domestic and Export Pests of Christmas Trees.

From  Jean Bremer 18 plays


This is a Clackamas Tree School power point presentation from March 24, 2018, class 9C Web Soil Survey for Farm and Small Woodland Owners

From  Jean Bremer 7 plays

9A-Whittington-Tree School_Forest_Management_Planning_2018_final

This is a power point presentation from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018, class 9A Forest Management Plan Writing for Tree Farmers

From  Jean Bremer 10 plays

8A-Ellis-Part1of2The secret life of birds_Abbreviated 60 minute

This is a Clackamas Tree School power point presentation from March 24, 2018, class 8A The Secret Life of Birds.

From  Jean Bremer 8 plays

7A-Bowers-Logs to lumber to Living A Cabin in the Woods

This is a power point presentation from class 7A Logs to Lumber to Living: A Cabin in the Woods from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 15 plays

6C-Bugni-Stream Crossing Fundamentals

Class 6C Stream Crossing Fundamentals power point presentation from Clackamas Tree School 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 9 plays

6B-Thinking About the Future of Your Forest

This is a power point presentation from 2018 Clackamas Tree School, 6B Thinking About the Future of Your Forest: Passing it on to the Next Owner

From  Jean Bremer 11 plays

4C-Hopkins- Making Shiitake Happen

This is a power point presentation from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018. 4C - Making Shiitake Happen

From  Jean Bremer 9 plays

Tree School 2018 class 20B Small_scale_harvesting

This is a power point presentation from class 20B Small-Scale Harvesting for Woodland Owners at the Clackamas Tree School, March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 3 plays


This is a power point presentation from class 20B Small-Scale Harvesting for Woodland Owners at the Clackamas Tree School, March 24, 2018.

From  Jean Bremer 8 plays

19B-Souder-Restoring & Maintaining Wooded Riparian Areas - Beginners powerpoint presentation

This is a powerpoint presentation from Clackamas County Extension Tree School on March 24, 2018. Jon Souder's class 19A on Restoring and Maintaining Wooded Riparian Areas - For Beginners

From  Jean Bremer 19 plays

Introduction: Oregon Forest Pest Detectors

This short video introduces the Oregon Forest Pest Detector program, which aims to equip green industry professionals and outdoor volunteers to be able to identify invasive forest pests (such as the…

+19 More
From  Brandy Saffell 368 plays

Tree Felling Techniques for Pros

tree felling techniques

+2 More
From FMC 80 plays

OSU Moon Tree Dedication

October 2012

+8 More
From FMC 45 plays

GEO 424/524 International Water Resources Management .

Dr. Peter Huntoon, Hydrologist - "Chairman Mao, The Great Leap Forward and the Deforestation Ecological Disaster in the South China Karst"

+20 More
From  William Jarvis 233 plays

Mike Bondi Picks out a healthy Christmas Tree

Mike Bondi skype on Fox 40 Sacramento Early Morning show giving instruction on picking out a healthy Christmas tree.

From  Jean Bremer 25 plays

Back Page # 183 - Florence Hardesty, "I Always Faint When I

Jody Seay with OHSU Professor Emerita Florence Hardest, whose memoirs include, "I Always Faint When I See Syringes" and "Down on the Tree Farm"

+9 More
From  Eric Gleske 34 plays