Search for tag: "presentation"
22A-Lucas-DomesticWell-Rural Living Basics 2018 Tree SchoolThis is a power point presentation from class 22A Living with your Domestic Well that was held on March 24, 2018 at Clackamas Tree School.
From Jean Bremer
7 plays
21C-Cloughesy - Oregon Forest Protection LawThis is a power point presentation from class 21C Oregon Forest Protection Laws at Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.
From Jean Bremer
8 plays
20D-Hopkins-Fuels Reduction SlideshowThis is a power point presentation 20D Fire, Fuels, and Hazard Reduction from Clackamas Tree School 2018 on March 24, 2018.
From Jean Bremer
12 plays
19D-Stewart-Discovering-tree school-finalThis is a power point presentation from class 19D Discovering Simple Stream Restoration Projects for Small Woodland Landowners from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.
From Jean Bremer
9 plays
17C-WithroRobinson-CTS 2018 young stand thinningThis is a power point presentation from class 17C Spacing and Thinning in Young Stands from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.
From Jean Bremer
8 plays
14D-Miller-Hedge_rows_2018This is a power point presentation from class 14D Hedgerows for Habitat at Clackamas Tree School 2018 on March 24.
From Jean Bremer
9 plays
14A-2 of 2-Merzenich-PPine2018This is a power point presentation 14A Ponderosa Pine in the Willamette Valley part 2 from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018.
From Jean Bremer
12 plays
13C-Elder_Grand_basic Inventory_tree school 2018This is a power point presentation from Clackamas Trees School on March 24, 2018. The class is 13C Basic Timber Inventory for Woodland Owners.
From Jean Bremer
15 plays
11D-May-TruffleDogsThis is a power point presentation from Clackamas Trees School 2018 - class11D Learn About Truffle Dog Training and Demonstration.
From Jean Bremer
9 plays
6C-Bugni-Stream Crossing FundamentalsClass 6C Stream Crossing Fundamentals power point presentation from Clackamas Tree School 2018.
From Jean Bremer
9 plays
4C-Hopkins- Making Shiitake HappenThis is a power point presentation from Clackamas Tree School on March 24, 2018. 4C - Making Shiitake Happen
From Jean Bremer
9 plays
Non-credit Instruction by EPA - 2016 Jan 27 11:37:35Manage names and roles for your Educational Program Assistant and yourself; enter contacts for teaching event delivered by your EPA.
From Linda Brewer
82 plays
OSU Valley Library Presentation: Wayfinding, Interactive Maps and our UsersPresentation in the Valley Library on July 23, 2015 by Dr Seunghae Lee, professor in the School of Design and Human Environment. Introduction by Beth Filar Williams, Head of Library Experience and…
From Beth Filar Williams
153 plays