Search for tag: "oregon season tracker"

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers have a great time exploring in the woods and learning how important their citizen science data is to HJ Andrews Forest researchers. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 65  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers learning about forest ecology with Dave Shaw. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 44  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Insects up close. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 47  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Looking at insects trapped in the stream emergent traps. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 38  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Having fun with the student viewers. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 41  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Looking up close at aquatic invertebrates. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 29  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Some of the stream measurement equipment at the HJ Andrews Forest. photo: Jody Einerson

From  Jody Einerson 28  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Researcher Sherri Johnson shares some of the watershed studies at the HJ Andrews Forest. photo: Mark Schulz

From  Jody Einerson 30  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Lauren Zatkos, shares her research into watershed ecology and trophic levels in the creek. photo: Mark Schulze

From  Jody Einerson 43  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteer looking at aquatic invertebrates. photo: Mark Schulze

From  Jody Einerson 31  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OSU student, Lauren Zatkos demonstrating aquatic invertebrate collection techniques. photo: Mark Schulze

From  Jody Einerson 47  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Karla Jarenke, shows us levels of water trapped in the watershed. photo: Mark Schulze

From  Jody Einerson 36  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers learning about the ecology of this forest with researcher Dave Shaw. photo: Mark Schulze

From  Jody Einerson 35  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers enjoy learning in the woods! photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 51  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers ask questions and learn more about water in the soils. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 19  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Looking at the properties of soil and water retention. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 14  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OSU Grad students, Karla Jarecke and Emily Crampe share their research on soils and water tables. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 72  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers ask questions and interact with the researchers, extending their understanding of climate science. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 14  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Watching time lapse photography of plant phenology. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 15  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Experimenting with technology in the forest. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 13  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Looking at precipitation across the HJ Andrews Forest. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 9  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Climate science researchers Chris Daly and David Rupp. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 19  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

OST volunteers in the woods. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 17  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Researchers David Rupp and Chris Daly sharing cool air pooling research. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 17  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

Looking at some of the weather collecting equipment. photo: Victor Villegas

From  Jody Einerson 11  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

USFS Research Lead, Sherri Johnson guides us through aquatic insect phenology. photo: Mark Schulze

From  Jody Einerson 20  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

HJ Andrews Forest Research Director, Mark Schulze takes us to a phenology field plot. photo: Maggie Livesay

From  Jody Einerson 21  

Oregon Season Tracker Retreat

We look at the scale of the forest with researchers. photo; Maggie Livesay

From  Jody Einerson 42