An interview with Amy Frasieur, Nutrition Specialist from Oregon State University's Student Health Services, about the importance of taking care of our bodies and minds in regards to food at…
As part of the Diet and Optimum Health conference public session, Dr. Tory Hagen from the Healthy Aging Program at the Linus Pauling Institute speaks about how to live longer and feel better: Using…
As part of the public session of the Diet and Optimum Health conference 2015, Director of the Linus Pauling Institute, Balz Frei, PhD, discusses your daily micronutrient needs: What they are and how…
Daniel Lopez-Cevallos describes his ES499/599, Nutrition and Social Determinants of Health course for a Global Learning showcase
Prabhu Pingali gves us the Bottom Line for his Food For Thought lecture, "Green Revolution 2.0: Addressing the persistent challenges or food and nutrition security."