Search for tag: "nnmrec"
Klure F15This video is a spring term 2015 presentation by Justin Klure at Marine Forum. His talk is titled "Northwest Energy Innovations Azura Deployment"
From Mark McGuire
35 plays
Batten F2015This video is a spring term 2015 presentation by Dr. Belinda Batten at Marine Forum. Her talk serves as a NNMREC overview.
From Mark McGuire
37 plays
Lou F15This video is a spring term 2015 presentation by Junhui Lou at Marine Forum. His talk is titled "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Three-point Mooring System of the Ocean Sentinel"
From Mark McGuire
22 plays
Henkel F15This video is a spring term 2015 presentation by Dr. Sarah Henkel at Marine Forum. Her talk is titled "Environmental Research updates at PMEC NETS and SETS"
From Mark McGuire
23 plays
Spalding F15This video is a spring term 2015 presentation by Dr. Ana Spalding at Marine Forum. Her talk serves to detail her plans for future work at Oregon State University.
From Mark McGuire
34 plays
Boren F15This video is a spring term 2015 presentation by Dr. Blake Boren at Marine Forum. His talk is on developing and deploying a scaled wave energy converter.
From Mark McGuire
89 plays
Switch Panel DiscussionOregon State University Sustainable Initiative presents Switch: to a Smater Energy Future on January 29, 2013 in LaSells Stewart Center Austin Aud.
From Kristina Case
74 plays