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Scholars' Insights 2014: Introductions

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 26 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Drew Bennet - Nature in Your Tap

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 16 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Alejandra Navarrete - The Vitruvian Leaf: Evaluating Canopy Leaf Area Sampling Protocols

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 27 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Kim Rogers - Experiences Among Women with Shame and Self-Compassion in Exercise

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 18 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Dustin R. Keyes - Utilizing a Novel Line System for Improvement of Seafood Quality

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 16 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Will Later - Fraternity Exit: Why Live In When You Can Live Out

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 20 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Jade Florence - Sustainable Solutions to a Flower Mimicking Fungus

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 18 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014 - Christina Hagerty: Fungicide Resistance in an Oregon Wheat Pathogen

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host the…

From  Megan Ferris 106 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Canan Schumann - Photodynamic Nanomedicine Platform for Cancer Therapy

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 12 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Jaynie Whinnery - Strategies for Sustainable Drinking Water: Elemental Water Filters in Cambodia

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 15 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Kelli Lytle - Will Weight Loss Fix Our Sick Livers

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 31 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Bethany Harmon - Head Start's Impact on Parent-Child Activities at Home

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 14 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Rubini Santha - Advanced Models for Landslide Mapping

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 142 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Joey Hulbert - It Only Takes One Spore to Start an Epidemic

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 13 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Kyle Rozman - Haynes 282 as a Potential Stream Turbine Rotor Alloy

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 12 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Doland Ulrich - Fishing for the Future: Empowering Coastal Communities

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 58 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Alicia Clendaniel - The Environmental Fate of Nanotechnology-based Pesticides

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 61 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Linda Marie Richards - Rocks and Reactors: An Atomic Interpretation of Human Rights

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 3 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Jeffrey D. Serrill - Suppression of Cancer Growth by the Natural Product Coibamide A

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 2 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Bruno Ieda Cappellozza - How to Attend the World Demand for Beef Products

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 5 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Nithin Marthandam - Project Termination Without Affecting the Market Value of the Firm

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 15 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Andrew Gundlach - The NRA and Newtown: Why Tragedies Won't Hinder Gun Rights

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 11 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Hamid Mahmoudabadi - Linking 3D LiDaR Point Cloud with HDR Images Data

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 6 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Marigold Setsuko Holmes - International Students in a Pathway Program: Perceptions at their transition

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 3 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Luis Angel Gomez Cunya - A Domain Decomposition Method for Unisteady Flow Routing

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 9 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Christopher Adamson - Give Beauty Back: Poetry as Community

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 4 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Sami Al-AbdRabbuh - Modeling a Comprehensive Management Theory

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 34 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Elham Maqsood - The Impacts of Different Woven Fabrics on Three Draping Techniques

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 4 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: David Schary - The Research Tug of War

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 1 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Joanna Carroll - Effects of Great Recession on Oregon SNAP Participation Behavior

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 7 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Daniel J. Coleman - Sunlight as a Conversation Starter Between Our Skin's Cells

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 58 plays

Scholars' Insights 2014: Amanda Tepfer - Motor Skill, Physical Activity, and School Readiness in At-Risk Preschoolers

The OSU Graduate School is excited to host…

From  Megan Ferris 1 plays