57:45duration 57 minutes 45 seconds
AI Seminar 10 - Liang Huang
Linear Time Algorithm to Find the Achilles Heels…
54:05duration 54 minutes 5 seconds
BB 450/550 Lecture 1 for June 21, 2011
A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing protein…
51:25duration 51 minutes 25 seconds
BB 450/550 Lecture 2 for June 22, 2011 - Protein…
BB 450/550 Lecture 2 for June 22, 2011 - Protein Structure III / P
A lecture by Kevin Ahern discussing quaternary…
51:57duration 51 minutes 57 seconds
BB 450/550 Lecture for October 8, 2010
BB 450/550 Biochemistry lecture by Kevin Ahern. …
52:51duration 52 minutes 51 seconds
BB 450/550 Lecture for October 6, 2010