Search for tag: "employment"
Lunch & Learn Webinar: Latinos in Oregon Part 2 (Economic Measures)In our first session last month we covered the basics of the rapid change in the Latino population in Oregon and the nation. In this, our second session of a three part series we took a deeper dive,…
From Vincent Adams
55 plays
WSE Assistant Professor InterviewDr. Andreja Kutnar, Research Associate at the Inst. of Wood Science & Technology, and Sustainable Development Ljubljana, and at the Primorska Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology,…
From FMC
485 plays
SEEDS (Strengthening Education and Employment for Diverse StCollege of Forestry Alum Rodrigo talks about his experiences at OSU, and his pathway to a professional forestry position with USDI Bureau of Land Management, Eugene District.
From FMC
152 plays
Wood Science and Engineering: A Peek at the ProfessionWood Science & Engineering at Oregon State University is a multidisciplinary university program focused on science, technology, engineering and business practices that help society sustainably…
From FMC
31 plays