01:08:22duration 1 hour 8 minutes
Rube Goldberg Factory-tutorial part 3
45:44duration 45 minutes 44 seconds
Rube Goldberg Factory-tutorial pt2
24:01duration 24 minutes 1 second
Rube Goldberg Factory-tutorial pt1
41:51duration 41 minutes 51 seconds
ATS 201 Review 1
Zoom Recording ID: 96317471307 UUID: k2Hc4ppOS2C/vobK29GDmA== Meeting Time: 2021-04-20T22:09:27Z
01:06:36duration 1 hour 6 minutes
Co-Management of threatened species in New Zealand
NR 455 Winter 2021
37:51duration 37 minutes 51 seconds
24:34duration 24 minutes 34 seconds
Groundwater Tutorial
Video of groundwater model with explanation of the basics of groundwater hydrology
01:25:49duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Starker Lecture - Tom Atzet: The Case of the…
Starker Lecture - Tom Atzet: The Case of the Biscuit Fire (October 23, 2003)
October 23, 2003. Tom Atzet: The Case of the Biscuit Fire. Dr. Tom Atzet, Forest Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Siskiyou National Forest.