From a film reel titled "The Man Who Made the Plays," this silent footage shows Horace Robinson, longtime Director of University Theatre at the University of Oregon, interacting with…
Silent footage of the Gill Coliseum dedication ceremonies. The film includes scenes of remarks being delivered by OSC president August Strand and head basketball coach Slats Gill, among others; a…
Footage of a mainframe computer - possibly located at Oregon State College - in operation. Scenes include a demonstration of the computer running calculations as well as its ability to play…
This film consists of an interview with a Native American artist who is not identified, but who is believed to be George McKee Cochran (1908-1990), a member of the Cherokee Nation who lived in…
Labeled "Cinemex Warm Springs," this film consists of both silent and sound footage depicting the Warm Spring Reservation and the city of Madras, Oregon in the early 1970s. The silent…
Labeled "This Land Was Theirs," this film consists primarily of silent footage of the Oregon coast interspersed with on-camera narration related to the history and traditions of Native…
Labeled "Klamath Falls Indian Film," this largely silent footage includes scenes of the Kah-Nee-Ta resort and surrounding areas on the Warm Springs Reservation, as well as areas near…
An episode of "She Flies with Her Own Wings," a television series developed for elementary school students in observance of Oregon's centennial. This episode, "Oregon Joins the…