Red Blotch is a growing concern to the wine industry in Oregon and across the U.S. OWRI has been involved with research on the virus and vector for almost two years, but recently formed a team specifically to address red blotch research and extension education. To address local concerns, OWRI offered a live, interactive webinar that featured presentations from the following OWRI researchers:
- Dr. Bob Martin, plant pathologist, USDA-ARS, provided an overview of the virus.
- Daniel Dalton, Senior FRA Entomology, OSU, talked about current research to identify insect vectors of the virus.
- Dr. Alex Levin, viticulturist, OSU- Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, gave an update on grapevine impacts of the virus and potential management practices.
- Rick Hilton and Dr. Achala KC, OSU-Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, talked about their research and the impact of the virus in their region.
- Dr. Dipak Poudyal, plant pathologist, ODA, spoke about Red Blotch surveys, analysis service and updates to the grape quarantine, and vine certification regulations.
March 2, 2017