View past recordings and resources
Did you miss one of the training sessions? Do you need a copy of the handouts and resources? Access to all past sessions are available for OPEC leaders, coordinators, and hub affiliated parenting educators. Hosted by the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC). 
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 Public, Restricted
32 Media
2 Members
View past recordings and resources
Did you miss one of the training sessions? Do you need a copy of the handouts and resources? Access to all past sessions are available for OPEC leaders, coordinators, and hub affiliated parenting educators. Hosted by the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC). 
View past recordings and resources
Did you miss one of the training sessions? Do you need a copy of the handouts and resources? Access to all past sessions are available for OPEC leaders, coordinators, and hub affiliated parenting educators. Hosted by the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC). 

 Public, Restricted

32 Media
2 Members
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