56:33duration 56 minutes 33 seconds
Forestry 446: Wildland Fire Ecology: Modeling…
Forestry 446: Wildland Fire Ecology: Modeling Wildland Fire
A discussion of concepts relating to fire…
37:38duration 37 minutes 38 seconds
FOR 446: Wildland Fire Ecology, eCampus Edition
Fire Ecology of the Eastern Seaboard, North…
41:05duration 41 minutes 5 seconds
FOR 446: Wildland Fire Ecology: eCampus fourth…
FOR 446: Wildland Fire Ecology: eCampus fourth lecture
Fire Ecology, global context and southwest Oregon…
45:54duration 45 minutes 54 seconds
FOR 446: Wildland Fire Ecology: eCampus third…
FOR 446: Wildland Fire Ecology: eCampus third lecture
1-hr, 10-hr, 100-hr fuels, and more.