A simulation of grape powdery mildew development from a single infection point (x)
in an untreated vineyard with 2 x 2 meter spacing between vines. This simulator lets us observe epidemic…
This is the third webinar presented during the June 1 Grape Day webinar session. Alexander Wong, a graduate research assistant in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at OSU and the USDA-ARS…
This webinar is presented by Dr. Nathalie Aoun, a postdoctoral researcher in the Stergiopoulos lab at UC Davis, who has conducted research studying molecular mechanisms for powdery mildew resistance…
This is the third seminar presented during the May 18 Grape Day
webinar session. Britt Eubanks, a graduate research assistant in the lab of Dr.
Laurent Deluc at Oregon State University, summarizes…