Search for tag: "november"

The New Dad: A Work (and Life) in Progress

Dr. Brad Harrington, Executive Director of the Boston College Center for Work & Family, presents his research findings and strategies for strengthening institutional support for fathers in the…

From  Robynn Pease 79 plays

"Ask Me Anything" WIth Dick Butkus

Legendary Chicago Bears linebacker, NFL Hall of Famer and collegiate All-American Dick Butkus continues to make an impact. As founder of the I Play Clean campaign, Butkus brings his renowned…

From  Shelly Signs 7,263 plays

IS Plenary Meeting - November 2012

Lois Brooks previews of the strategic plan, with particular focus on the first phase items. November 15, 2012 in Dearborn 118.

From  Lisa Wetherell 20 plays

Yunker Lecture Series

Relativity, Quantum Physics and Graphene-Philip Kim, Columbia University, November, 2011

From  Heidi Schellman 384 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

Lorentzian Geometry with Continuous Metrics, Piotr Chrusciel, University of Vienna, November 13, 2011

From  Christine Escher 51 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

A New Mean Curvature Proof of the Spacetime Positive Mass Theorem-Rick Schoen, Stanford University, November 13, 2011

From  Christine Escher 72 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

Neckpinch Dynamics for Asymmetric Surfaces Evolving by MCF-Dan Knopf, University of Texas, Austin, November 12, 2011

From  Christine Escher 47 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

The Mysterious Case of Expanding Galileo Spacetimes-Bevery Berger, National Science Foundation

From  Christine Escher 31 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

Are Analytic Compact Cauchy Horizons Necessarily Killing Horizons?-Vincent Moncrief, Yale University, November 12, 2011

From  Christine Escher 55 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

Canonical Metrics on Singular Spaces-Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford University, November 12, 2011

From  Christine Escher 63 plays

Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar

Instability of Anti-de Sitter Spacetime, Gary Horowitz, University of California, Santa Barbara, November 13, 2011

From  Christine Escher 29 plays