Search for tag: "mental health initiative"

Steve Simmons: Establishing Dynamic Attributes Through Your Un-Comfort Zone

The Mental Health Initiative is invested in…

+3 More
From  Michele Ribeiro February 3rd, 2015 41 plays

Teri Duever: What Makes Life Worthwhile

The Mental Health Initiative is hoping to help…

+3 More
From  Michele Ribeiro May 28th, 2014 211 plays

Aaron Wolf: Transformational Listening for Flourishing Relationships

The Mental Health Initiative is hoping to help…

+3 More
From  Michele Ribeiro April 15th, 2014 102 plays

Subbappa Ribeiro: Yoga: The Path to Mental Health and Flourishing

The Mental Health Initiative is hoping to help…

+3 More
From  Michele Ribeiro March 19th, 2014 405 plays

Winston McCullough: Paths to Happiness

The Mental Health Initiative is hoping to help…

+4 More
From  Michele Ribeiro February 20th, 2014 646 plays

Parcella Provence: Joy is Not a Four Letter Word

The Mental Health Initiative is hoping to help…

+3 More
From  Michele Ribeiro February 3rd, 2014 208 plays