32:45duration 32 minutes 45 seconds
COMM-111-02 Bushnell_1
05:23duration 5 minutes 23 seconds
Sasquatch Video
A video used to introduce "A Sasquatch Sighting in The Valley Library," part of the CONNECT Scholar's Symposium, Fall 2012.
12:32duration 12 minutes 32 seconds
Who's That African on Campus?
A look into the life of Prince Abubu as he tours the small town of Corvallis accompanied by his bodyguards
24:22duration 24 minutes 22 seconds
University Day 2011 Part 1 Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald
University Day keynote address by Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, a veterinarian who’s appeared on the Animal Planet show Emergency Vets. He emphasized the importance educators have on the lives of…