Search for tag: "halls"

Trading Rooms 2007 - Short Version

Trading Rooms is an event that will take two rooms from the OSU campus residence halls and have the residents switch rooms to redecorate with $250 budget, and with help and guidance from two interior…

From  hansene 21 plays

Trading Rooms 2008 - Short Version

Trading Rooms is an event that will take two rooms from the OSU campus residence halls and have the residents switch rooms to redecorate with $250 budget, and with help and guidance from two…

From  hansene 25 plays

Choosing Your Roommate - University Housing & Dining Service

This student created video - created by OSU students Jose Hernandez and Israel Salgado - provides tips and advice to keep in mind as you are choosing your new roommate. University Housing &…

From  Jennifer Vina 280 plays