Search for tag: "grapevine trunk disease"
How to Scout for Grapevine Trunk Disease in Spur Pruned VineyardsThis video features Dr. Patty Skinkis, Professor and Viticulture Extension Specialist, Oregon State University, describing how to scout for grapevine trunk disease in a cordon-trained, spur pruned…
From Patricia Skinkis
295 plays
How to Scout for Grapevine Trunk Disease in Cane Pruned VinesThis video shows how to look for signs of trunk disease in grapevines during dormancy. This video features Dr. Patty Skinkis, Professor and Viticulture Extension Specialist, OSU. The video was…
From Patricia Skinkis
407 plays
Research Seminar 2019: Dr. Akif Eskalen, UC DavisThe seminar is presented by Dr. Akif Eskalen, cooperative extension specialist in plant pathology at UC Davis. Dr. Eskalen summarizes his research on the biology, etiology, and epidemiology of…
From Denise Dewey
56 plays